Common insecurities that they find beautiful~

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- He really likes stretch marks.
- Something about them just looks cool to him.
- One day, he was tracing them with his finger, but you said you hated them. He said he loved them anyway.
- He also finds birthmarks very attractive.
- Just like the stretch marks, he'll often trace his fingers over your birthmarks.
- If you express a lot of discomfort over him touching your stretch marks/birthmarks, he'll stop, but he'll constantly remind you that he finds them beautiful until you believe him.


- He adores freckles.
- If you have them, he just thinks they're the cutest.
- He also really likes dark circles on you.
- He always felt embarrassed by his, but for some reason they just look beautiful on you.
- His love for yours has also made him feel better about his own.


- No matter what type of nose you have, she loves it.
- She thinks that small noses are cute, and bigger noses are just as beautiful.
- She also has no problem with acne, and thinks it looks good on you.
- She hates when you put yourself down about either of these, because she thinks you're beautiful no matter what you look like.
- She fell in love with your personality, not the way you look.


- He doesn't care about height at all.
- Shorter than him? He thinks it's cute (sometimes he'll use you as an armrest, in a loving way of course.)
- You're taller than him? He thinks it's so attractive, and he loves to nuzzle his head into your neck when you hug.
- Same height as him? Well, you're at the perfect height for him to kiss you.


- Your weight doesn't matter to him at all.
- He doesn't care what size you are; at the end of the day he just wants to hold you.
- He also thinks that gap teeth are absolutely adorable.
- He loves to see you smile just because of your teeth.
- If you ever try to cover your mouth when you laugh, he gently removes your hand, all because he wants to see your precious laugh.


Ughh, this was so difficult because I'm perfect and have no insecurities (just kidding). I was telling the truth about having a hard time thinking of insecurities, and all the lists I found online were mostly targeted towards women (and I wanted the insecurities to be gender neutral).

I really don't have much to say right now. It's getting very late, so I guess I'll just proofread this again and then I'll post it. Goodnight!

~ Eliza

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