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Jordan's outfits:

Jordan's outfits:Pyjamas:

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Outfit during the day:

Outfit during the day:

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❛ ━━━━・❪T H U R S D A Y  2 7  A U G U S T   2 0 2 0 - 19

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❛ ━━━━・❪T H U R S D A Y 2 7 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 - 19.05 ❫ ・━━━━ ❜

3rd person pov

JORDAN AND THE CHILDREN'S cast of We Can be Heroes wandered aimlessly through the small town until curfew, 19.00. The young blonde ended the trip by exchanging numbers with everyone and bidding them a good night. She walked happily into her trailer and made herself another cup of lemon tea. Jordan sat down on the trailer's cream sofa and cuddled into the patchwork blanket her late grandmother made her.

The 13-going-14 year old girl grabbed her computer off her small wooden coffee table and opened it. She entered her password and opened Safari, typed her Netflix login credentials and decided to rewatch Modern Family for the 23rd time in her short life. She laughed when she heard Mitchell's speech on the airplane. Jordan quickly sat up, put down her cup of tea, and grabbed a party pack of sour cream and onion Pringles and poured them into a portable silicone bowl, her eyes never leaving the screen. She walked back to the sofa and returned to her original position, the Pringle's now on her lap, the computer at her knees. Sometime later she fell asleep, not noticing Nathan who came to bid her goodnight, and ended up placing her in a comfortable position. He closed her laptop and placed it on the coffee table. The boy moved the Pringles and the empty teacup to the kitchen, then left her with a kiss on her forehead.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Jordan woke up in a different position then she remembered. Her tea cup and her bowl where already in the kitchen and her laptop was on the coffee table.

'Huh, probably forgot I did I that' She thought.

The girl folded the blanket and cracked her back, rolled her neck and stood up. She walked up to her mini dresser and got dressed into a white top with spaghetti straps, a light grey oversized knitted cardigan and a pair of her light grey out boyfriend jeans, paired with white high top converse. Her hair was just down for her hair & makeup person to do.

When Jordan unplugged her phone from charging she checked her notifications and saw that she had been added to a group chat.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Wcbh kiddos


'child🌸👑' added you and 3 other people

'child🌸👑' added 'Nat💩💗' and 6 others

'andyyyyy🦖' changed this groups icon

child🌸👑- 22.44

Hoomans aim bored asf

andyyyyy🦖- 22.44

Did I ask?

child🌸👑- 22.44


child🌸👑- 22.45

ur mean


to bad so sad

Nat💩💗- 22.46

are the rest of us allowed to sleep without your pointless conversations?

child🌸👑- 22.46

✨n o✨


tell that to lotus ;-;

Nat💩💗- 22.46

I just did ;-;

child🌸👑- 22.47

I swear to merlin if u guys dont stop ill go over there and slice ur throats with jordan's pocket knife

andyyyyy🦖- 22.47

why so goddamn violent

Nat💩💗- 22.47

idk its lotus we're talking abt

child🌸👑- 22.47

do u have a death wish?

Nat💩💗- 22.48

(replying to 'child🌸👑' click here to view message)

wait y does she have a kinfe

Nat💩💗- 22.48


child🌸👑- 22.48

'idk its jordan we're talking abt'

child🌸👑- 22.49


andyyyyy🦖- 22.49

k imma just head out before lotus murders me.

andyyyyy🦖- 22.50

peace out✌️

Nat💩💗- 22.50

gn idiots

child🌸👑- 22.50



Lol the group chat thingy is literally my friend group's chat. Anyway, too descripive? plssss tell me if it is. sorry for the short chapter, i wanted to follow my updating schedule and i went on a dog walk with my 4 dogs,my littlesister andmy dad and it was raining rlly hard. ;-;. Anyway...





(Words: 631) = not including my note

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