Deku Sings

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Me: Okay this is where Jiro asked Deku to sing! So Deku decided to sing about the Villains!

Villains Thoughts: He probably talk shit about us or just bad mouth us...

Aizawa: Why did he want to sing about Villains?

Me: Can't say! It would give it way! Okay lets start!


It showed Deku sitting in the UA common room. "Hey, Deku! I have a question." Jiro said walking into the room.

Jiro: It's me!

Deku looked up from his notes, "Huh? Umm sure Jiro!" Deku said smiling. Jiro nodded, "I was wondering if you could sing a song? I have heard you somewhat singing but I wanna hear you full out sing!" Deku's eyes widen, he thought for a moment before nodding.

Tsu: Has anyone ever heard Deku sing before?

Eri: He's never full out sang to me but, he has hummed me to sleep before...

More classmates started to gather around Deku confused what he was doing. After Deku set up he got ready to sing. He took a breath in & started. 

Villains: Watch the kid is gonna talk shit or bad mouth us

Endeavor: I would, you are villains after all!

Toga: Yeah we're villains, doesn't mean we don't have emotions!

Toga started tearing up while talking. Twice, Dabi, & Kurogiri stared to comfort her. Some students, & Pros started feeling guilty. 

Deku started to sing, "Eyes blue like the Atlantic, & he's going down like the titanic~"  While Deku sang that line a faint outline of Dabi appeared behind him. As the students got into a fighting position they noticed Dabi disappeared after Deku finished the line.

Dabi:  H-Huh..?! H-He didn't talk shit about me...?

The villains looked confused at the screen, all thinking 'Does he feel bad for us..?' 

Aizawa: Heh...That's problem child for ya, he always sees the good in people.

Deku continued, "Eyes hazel sweet & dynamic, & they're going down like the titanic~" Toga & Overhaul appeared behind him doing her hand to her face thing. The students sat/stood there in either confusion or in awe

Toga: Oh~ It's me! Izu-Kun called me sweet!~ 

Overhaul: Huh...I somewhat like it since it's nice & calm but I don't understand the line, "& they're going down like the titanic."

Nezu: I think I know what it means!

Me: Of course the smartass mouse/bear/dog thing knows

I got a glare from Nezu.

Nezu: Anyway, I think the 'going down like the titanic' part means you guys falling into villainy

Me: Yes that is correct, at least in this!

"Eyes red vast & volcanic, & he's going down like the titanic~" Shigaraki now appeared behind Deku. Deku didn't seem fazed by this happening. 

Shigaraki: His voice is calming...

Shigaraki Thinking: Thank you brother...

Everyone was calm & relaxed while listening to Deku's voice. Eri, & Kota looking like their getting sleepy.

"Eyes gold bright & majestic, & he's going down like the titanic~" Kurogiri has now appeared behind Deku, putting his mist hand on Deku's shoulder. 


Eri & Kota stared at twice for a sec, before starting to giggle. The others looked at the two giggling children confused. 

Mirio: What are you two giggling about?

Eri: We think the villain who has two personalities is funny!

Twice: Awe I think you two are adorable! NO I DON'T I THINK YOUR BABIES!

Some smiled at the 2 kids.

"Eyes gray soft & metallic, & he's am going down like the titanic~" Now Twice was behind Deku, some students giggled or smiled because it seemed like he was having an argument with himself.

Twice: Awe, he added me, he's so nice! NO HE'S NOT HE A JERK I DIDN'T WANT TO BE N THE SONG!

Me: Last line of him singing!

"Eyes rainbow proud & fantastic, & we're going down like the titanic~" Now Dabi, Shigaraki, Toga, Overhaul, Twice, Kurogiri, & All For One were standing behind Deku with on hand on Deku's shoulder. The whole class gasped at the sight of most of the league standing behind their class cinnamon roll. As Deku finished the last line all the villains faded away. Without saying a word Deku got up as walked away eyes tearing up, leaving everyone confused.

Everyone was speechless. Some villains eyes were watering. I let them sit in silence for a bit. 

AFO Thinking: He really does have the kindest heart, he will the only hero I accept into this society...

Kirishima: Why did midobro sing about the villains?

Me: He sung about them because he knew what they went through & why they became villains...

All the villains were speechless, some where tearing up, some where crying (TOGA).

Stain: This is why I say this kid is a true hero, he doesn't care about money nor fame. He just wants to help people!

All the villains nod in agreement, causing the teachers, the pros, the big three, & some students to get shocked. The most surprised All Might when he saw All For One nod as well.

Me: Well that's it for this one so next one will probably be memes!

Denki: Yes!








@Little_SweetCake20 I hope this is what you meant by your request...If not I am Sorry!

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