The Exposing...

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Nezu: I'm not sure what this means...

Me: Sorry Deku, Todoroki Family & Inko needs to add for this one...

*Clap* Todoroki Family, Deku, & Inko are in there seats

Inko: Where am I?

Deku: Your fine mom, your safe!


Me: First AFO & Shigaraki are getting exposed!

AFO Thinking: oh no...

AFO Thinking: oh no

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AFO: ...

All Might: Mrs. Midoriya d-did you know about this...?

Inko: I knew he was a villain, but not that villain...

Bakugou: D-Deku...?

Deku had his head down his hair covering his eyes & giving off a scaring aura. Everybody was to scared to go near him so Midnight ended up using her quirk making him fall asleep

Denki: We have Dad Might, Dadzawa...& now-


Kiri & Denki: Yeah!

Kiri & Denki: Yeah!

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Toga: So that's why your somewhat overprotective of Izu-Kun~

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Toga: So that's why your somewhat overprotective of Izu-Kun~

Shiggy: Yes now you know!

Me: Okay Next on is a surprise~

Me: Okay Next on is a surprise~

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Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, & All Might were in shock of the two pictures

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Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, & All Might were in shock of the two pictures. The others didn't get it, but were confused to why their teachers started to tear up.

Aizawa: He really is Kurogiri...

Me: Yes...

Midnight, Mic, & All Might were now comforting Aizawa.

Rei: Why are me & my family here?

Me: Deku is waking up so we will be exposing the last person now...

Dabi Thinking: SHIIITT!

Dabi Thinking: SHIIITT!

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Todoroki Family + Deku:

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Todoroki Family + Deku: ...

Deku got up & walked over towards Dabi. Dabi looked away, Deku made Dabi look at him. Deku quickly pulled Dabi into a hug, which Dabi returned. Soon Rei, Fuyumii, Natsuo, & Shoto also walked over to him. While I got rid of Endeavor before he could start screaming.

Me: This is short but whatever.








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