Villain Deku: Drug Interveiw

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Me: Okay, in this universe Deku is a villain & the League has gotten captured, & Aizawa hasn't slept in weeks 

Mic: Is he okay...?

Me: Sorta..? Just watch the video


It shows Aizawa in a room with Shigaraki, Midnight, & Mic. Aizawa and Shigaraki were sitting across form one another.

Toga: Look it's Shiggy!

Shigaraki: I thought I said stop calling me that...

Dabi: You did but we don't really care

Mic: Oh God Shota you look worse then usual 

Aizawa: Really?

Everyone minus Endeavor: YES really!

Aizawa: ...Huh...

It showed Aizawa looking at Shigaraki, "Have you ever taken illegal drugs..?" Shigaraki stared at him for a second before answering, "No, I have not." 

Eri: I just realized were's Mr. Deku..?

Aizawa: Yeah were is problem child..?

Me: He will only react to memes, ships, & pictures with you guys! ((cause there're already to many people...))

Kota: Oh... Okay! 

"Do you think it's possible that you could of had drugs in your system without you knowing?" Mr. Aizawa asked, looking skeptically at Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: What are you Implying Erasure...? 

Aizawa: You think I know!?

Eri: Yes...? It's you isn't?

Aizawa: ...

Toga: The child got you there

Aizawa: Knock it off!

Most people started laughing, except FUCKING ENDEAVOR!

Me: I am taking Endeavor & only will add him if needed, cause he is just shit

Endeavor: HEY! Who you tak-

*Clap* Endeavor is now gone :) 

Shigaraki just looks at Aizawa with a dumbfound expression, "What are you implying?!" Aizawa just glared at Shigaraki before asking, "Have you ever pooped...a balloon...?" It shows Mic holding in his laughter, & Midnight mumbling, "Told you not to assign him in that case.."

Everyone was completely silent until everyone bursted into laughter.

Toga: I don't know have you ever pooped a balloon Shiggy?!

Shigaraki: No!

Kaminari: How tired were you!

Mina: I love Miss. Midnight in that part!

It showed Shigaraki dumbfounded mumbling, "What is this..?" Before standing up while saying, "Okay...I'm done with this..." before walking out telling the guard to get him as far as possible from Aizawa. It showed Aizawa staring at the door before turning to Mic & Midnight saying, "He sure left in a hurry.."

Midnight: I wonder why...

LOV: If we DO get captured we want Deku to interview us, not a hobo looking teacher/Pro

The heroes were confused by what they just said, The students + Eri & Kota were waiting for it to continue.

It showed Toga were Shigaraki used to sit mumbling, "You'll be single forever~" Aizawa just glared at her before putting a bag on the table & asking, "Do you know what this is?" Toga looked at the bag & smirked. "Yes, it's marijuana~" Aizawa stood up slamming his hands on the table saying, "How do you know that!" Toga giggled a bit before saying, "It's labeled~" Aizawa took the bag back & looked at it breathing out, "Damint..."

Toga: Damn Erasure maybe your getting to old for hero work~

Aizawa activated his quirk, scaring Toga a bit. 

Me: This next part may make people mad or over sorry?

Everyone looked at the screen confused.

The next seen shows Dabi at the table with Deku on his lap.

Dabi became a blushing mess, everyone who liked Deku was jealous, while Shigaraki, Dad for One, Dadzawa, Dad Might, & Brother Kota were going into over protective mode. Everyone else were shipping it.

Aizawa put a picture on the table. "That is Northern Lights Cannabis Indigo" Dabi state, Deku giggling into Dabi's neck. Aizawa sat there with his head in his hand sighing, "No, it's marijuana..." Dabi was forced to leave, leaving Deku alone in the room with Aizawa.

Aizawa: I get a bad feeling from this...

Everyone: Yeah...I agree...

Deku sat there with a poker face before speaking, "I'm just saying, you can't be sure it wasn't you" Aizawa sat back crossing his arms, "That's ridiculous of course it wasn't me." Deku picked up the paper holding it up saying, "Marijuana is a memory loss drug, so maybe you don't remember."

Sero: He's using facts against Mr. Aizawa 

Iida: Very well using brain tactics against your opponent 

"I would remember-" Aizawa started but getting cut off by Deku, "How could you if it just erased your memory?" "That's not how it works!" Aizawa interjected, Deku smirked saying, "Now how do you know how it works~?" Aizawa stared dumbfounded, "Knock it off! I'm interviewing you-" Aizawa tried to say "No! You said I would be the one conducting the interview when I walked in, NOW EXACTLY HOW MUCH POT DID YOU SMOKE?!" Aizawa was at a loss of words so he kicked Deku out, crawled into his sleeping bag & fell asleep.

Kiri: Aizawa was so done with that!

Everyone was laughing at poor Aizawa. Aizawa was blushing under his scarf. 

Me: Well that was that for Villain Deku: Drug Interview








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