Chapter 6

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The picture has nothing to do with it but its funny for marvel fans.

Frank POV
    Once we said our goodbyes and got off the bus we headed to the beach. Now under different circumstances I would have loved it but not when it's filled with monsters ready to destroy you. We one by one made our way through destroying as many monsters as possible. We found a ship that percy found and had it running in no time. I took my first watch as we sailed off into the night. I'm worried about Hazel going into a volcano but I calmed down once I realized she knew what she was doing. Sometimes I wish I could just live a normal life. One where you're not fighting mother earth herself. One where you're not fighting monsters every second. One where I don't meet my future children. Don't get me wrong there are amazhang but i wish i didn't have to meet them then wait for them to be born. Just as I finished contemplating Percy came up for the next watch. I said thanks and went to bed. And Let me tell you they were not pleasant dreams.

    I was back in my old house in Canada. We had just been told my mother died. I had to watch her death replayed dozens of times. Then it switched to Hazel being torchered. Again dozens of times then it switched to Bobby and Sammy that's when i went too far a woke up and went outside still shaking. I sat down next to luke. “So how's it going?” I asked ”well you know it's going.'' We laughed and sat in silence. That's when Percy came out. “Were almost there you might what to put these in '' he said, handing us earplugs. We all put them in as we descended into the ocean, into the Sea of Monsters.

Carter POV
    Once we got off the bus we started looking for the Lotus Hotel. We walked for hours but still no sign of it. We decided to set up camp in a semi clean alley. I took the first watch. I was weird seeing Mom and Dad at the age they were. I mean they honestly are not that different. Dad is just trying to grow bread and let me tell you. It looks awful. I just sat here remembering old memories when Micheal came out telling me to go to sleep. “Do you think it's weird seeing you parents in the past?” I asked “yeah they look so young especially with your Dad without his weird beard.” he said and we laughed. Then I went to bed. I had a dream for once it was a good dream. It replayed all the good memories we had together. But then I got some not so good memories. The last one was the worst. It was Alex chained to a pole. He was being wiped reaptivly. I had to watch my best friend be tortured. And from the look on his face I knew it was real. I jolted awake to find everyone else awake and we set off.

Nico POV
    Me, Sammy, and Selina all shadow traveled to my Dad's Place. I don't think he was happy to see Selina. But he sure was happy to see Sammy and me. He walked over and glared at Selina and hugged he actually hugged me. He then went and hugged Sammy saying how good it was to see us. “We need to find Tartarus. We need to find Alex.” I stated “He kidnaped one of my Grandchildren, Why that little b-” “Dad please dont” “ Oh okay.” “can i also talk to Bianca on the way?” I asked him, nodding, “Always.”

    We thanked him and started walking before long we made it to the Isle of the blessed. As we walked around I saw many friends. Neeks!” she yelled running over“So The seven, Will, Mine, Katie, and Travis’ kids from the future somehow made it to the past. Right now we are going to Get my son Alex back from Tartarus. Wow I never thought I'd say that. Anyways this is Sammy Zhang Frank and Hazel's son and this is Selina Grace, Jason and pipers son." I explained. After i explained what happened we wished her well and started walking. Once we made it to the fields of punishment I stopped. We meet Tarterus.

    Me, Callie, Blake, and Sophia were all working in bunker 9. We were almost finished with part of the Control panel when Annabeth came running in with Leah and Liam. “They attacked again and Khione is leading them this time. I need you three out there. Calypso can you stay with these two” She nodded then we ran out. I saw Will fighting with a dagger next to Bianca who was on a skeleton giving her a piggyback ride. Almost half the monsters were gone and there she was. Khione. We locked eyes as I signaled Sophia and Blake to follow as we charged. We all light our hands on fire. We surrounded her and started throwing fire balls at her. Just as we were about to kill her she sent an ice ball at Sophia. She was thrown back as me and Blake threw one humongous fire ball each and she disintegrated into snow. We ran to Sophia. She was shaking and she was deathly pale. Like Nico pale. I picked her up and wrapped her in my jacket and took off to the infirmary. As soon as Will saw who I was caring he told me to put her on a cot. He got A LOT of blankets. “Try heating your hands up and putting them on her head” He said I did that and as soon as they touched her head it sizzled and she became her normal color again. I sat down next to her and she grabbed my hand and held it tightly. Then Will gave her some ambrosia “She’ll be fine. Just no more fighting Snow Goddess for a while” we laughed. After an hour she woke up “Hiya Pops what happens?” she asked tirerly “Oh nothing you and your brother just destroyed a Snow goddess!” I said proudly as I gave her a hug. “That was awesome we were like pew pew pew and she was light oh no im melting I'M MELTING” Blake said running in imitating the whole thing I just laughed as he sat down in the chair. “So any news from anyone? Anyone like Landon?” He asked “Sorry Super sized Mcshizzle” I said “Whos that I've never heard that one before?” Sophia asked “You’ve never heard of Super Sized Mcshizzle before?!? Ok so…” I started

Calypso POV
    Once I heard the Yelling stop I looked outside and saw the battle was over. We walked out. Well I carried Leah out but you get it. Leah ran over to Annabeth who started tickling her Liam went with Conner and I started looking For Leo. “Hey have you seen Leo?” I asked an Apollo camper “yeah he's in the infirmary” He said and I took off running Will pointed me to a room “So while me and the rest of the seven were sailing on the amazing Argo ll. We had to stop to get more bronze after I blew up New Rome. Me and Hazel went to this Island and met Nemesis Blah blah blah but we also met Echo. She was a girl cursed by Hera so we could only repeat things people said. Anyway We meet Narsis who was obsessed with himself. In order to get the bronze he was using as a mirror I dressed up as the super sized Mcshizzle. I rolled up my sleeves and wrote team Leo on my shirt. I started writing other things too like all the ladies love leo and so one. And t-” “And that's how the Cocky Super Sized Mcshizzel Supreme Bad Boy Commander of the Argo ll came to be.” I finished and we laughed “Hey but you weren't wrong.” They then told me what happened and how Sophia got attacked by Khione. After that we all went and walked back to bunker 9. It was late so Sophia and Blake fell asleep and soon enough I did too.

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