Chapter 7

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Lily POV
    We wandered around the national park looking for a place to rest. We finally found one and set up camp. We were a few miles away from the volcano which is where we will head in the morning. Landon had first watch so I went to sleep. But all I could think about was Alex. Yeah I know he probably doesn't like me back but we still need him. I had a strange dream. I was at the Lotus Hotel. I was walking around then all of the sudden there were gunshots. I looked around then all of the sudden I was being dragged out of the room by my through. Struggling for air I kicked the man where the sun didn't shine. But before I could run he punched me in the leg. I howled in pain as he dragged me down the hallway. As I was being dragged I got a glimpse of a mirror. And what scared me the most was it wasnt Me I saw in the mirror. It was Micheal.
    I woke up being shaken awake by Hazel. We started walking all the way to Mount Saint Helen.

Charlie POV
    I'm not gonna lie. It was weird going on a road trip with my uncles who, not to mention, are around my age. To make it worse one of them was my girlfriend's dad. Once we got off the bus we made our way through San Francisco. We ran into a few hellhounds but nothing major. Travis stoll a few supplies, like food and water. Soon we made it to Mt. Tam. We set up camp at the bottom. Jason taking first watch. As I went to sleep I couldn't help but worry about Selina. In my dream I was at camp, I was surrounded but someone came in and killed all of the Hellhounds. My mom quickly picked me up somehow and brought me to bunker 9. “Calypso can you watch Liam and Leah?” she asked Calypso nodded. I heard lots of swords clashing and yells in pain. Then I woke up. Still confused after seeing through the eyes of a 2 year old. I walked over and sat next to Travis. A few minutes later Jason came out and sat down. We went over our plan. Me and Travis were going to distract Atlas while Jason got part of the sky. It was a pretty good plan. We packed up and made our way up the mountain.

    We had to stop a few times because Travis ate too much food. But we finally made it to the top. Our plan was going fine me and Travis distracted atlas. But as Jason was about to take part of it I knew what was going on. I ran in just as Atlas dropped the sky onto my shoulders. I yelled in pain. My vision got blurry as I watched Travis and Jaosn fighting Atlas. Then I saw my chance. They were slowly backing Atlas in my direction. I knew this plan might not work. But if I didnt I had only one thought in my mind. Selina. Just as Atlas was getting close they shoved him under the sky and I fell on my knees. Jason and Travis ran over as I crawled out from under the sky. They gave me some ambrosia. “So what do we do now we didn't get any of the sky.” Travis asked. “Actually we did when I held up the sky it stays with me. Now how do we get back?”

Selina POV
    Im worried about charlie something is wrong I just don't know what. After we made our way through the fields of punishment we made our way to the entrance of tartarus. There he was standing at the entrance. At his feet was an unconscious Alex. “Well it seems you've come to get the punny little boy back.” Nico had a murderous look in his eyes. He charged. We charged with him and while Sammy and Nico distracted Tartarus while I grabbed Alex. Then all of the sudden my legs wouldn't work anymore. My head was spinning. This lasted a few more minutes until I fell to the ground shaking. I slowly got up and charged. “You want to kill your self, your wife never loved you, your children never loved you, you are worthless, and you want to stab your self.” I said with all the charmspeak I could muster. “I want to stab myself,” Tartarus said like a zombie. He stabbed himself and he  exploded into red dust. We ran to Alex. wake up I said, again, all my power. Then the world went black.

Percy POV
    Back into the sea of monsters we go. We all put in ear phones. We haven't run into many monsters since we defeated Gaea. I was looking around. Luke was helping me as he was a decent Poseidon, he has a sense of the sea. I looked around but i didn't see him. I ran around the ship and saw a figure swimming towards the shore. I jumped in and went after him. Even though I was older he was still fast. I got hold of his leg and pulled him towards me. I formed ear plugs out of water and he finally stopped thrashing. I remembered when Annabeth did the same thing. All my old memories came flooding back. I snapped out of it and me and Luke made our way towards the shore. Then I saw the sirens. We walked forward. Luke got his dagger ready. It was a pen like mine but it was a dagger. I got riptide out and charged. We slashed but they just dogged. And when they attacked we doged. Then a bear came out of nowhere and slashed at a siren. It was taken by surprise. It howled in pain and exploded into gold dust. We collected it in a vial and went back to the ship.

Landon POV
    We started our hike up the mountain. We got to the platform and Hazel opened an opening to walk through. We made our way to the middle of the volcano. “Why did you come here?” Asked a voice I knew that voice but where? “Grampa?” “Hey landon your siblings are fine dont worry.” I sighed when he said that. “We need to find some bronze. Do you know where we can find some?” I asked “I can't tell you but I can warn you to be careful.” then he flashed out as we covered our eyes. “Well let's go.” Llily said. We continued to make our way to the center of the volcano. I could see the heat was getting to Hazel and Lily. I could tell it was 106 degrees in here. I could also tell we were getting close. Then I saw the big pile of bronze scraps. I could tell the girls saw it too. We ran forward but I realized there must be a catch. It was way too easy like in Indiana Jones there's always a trap. “There has to be a trap. Wait here.” I said. I made my way forward and dogged all the traps. I could sense them so I knew they were coming. But the one I didn't sense caught me WAY off guard. As I was walking up the volcano exploded and blew me up into the air. I passed out and when I woke up I was falling towards the ocean.

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