September 16th-17th, 2021

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"Your joking right now-", I mean to say this in my head, but I can't help but yell it. Pansy and Ron whip their heads around and I just stare at them, until my vision becomes crowded by my tears, Ron's face turns red as tears well up in his eyes as well. I look at him, confused on why he starts to cry, so I ask "WHY ARE YOU CRIYNG?!", as I ask this I run out, I couldn't bare to hear his answer. I hear him behind me yelling "COME BACK, WAIT PLEASE!" I don't listen and continue to sprint towards my dorm, he starts to catch up. I just run and run and run, I can't even fathom the thought of him with another girl, does this mean... NO IT CAN'T. If you love someone, they will only hurt you. That's what my parents taught me. I can't like him, I don't like him. I never will. I will never like any- as I think this thought he catches up to me and yanks my shirt.  He spins me around and grabs my shoulders so I am looking straight into his eyes. His beautiful crystal blue eyes. I could get lost in them. He finally starts talking "Please just listen to me, I am so sorry. Mione didn't right this apology. I am just so uh um-", then the unthinkable happens. He leans in close and starts to place his lips onto mine. Then time freezes, I think to myself, what do I do? Do I let him kiss me, or do I pull away? Do I give into love, or do I run away? A million of these thoughts flow through my head. Time starts to come alive, and I make a very dumb decision. I turn my head down, as his lips were about to brush onto mine. He looks at me and walks back a few steps, his face as red as blood. He mutters " I um, I am so sorr-", as he again begins to apologize, Pansy comes around the corner, he runs up to her and says " Hi babe.." and then proceeds to kiss her. KISS HER. As soon as he was about to kiss me. ARE YOU SERIOUS. Pansy kisses him back and they stay kissing for what feels like ages. I walk the opposite way, which happens to be away from my dorm, but I couldn't move any closer to them. I would breakdown. I take the longer route, and make it back to my dorm, where Hermione very kindly greets me with "UH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I look at her, and she sees the despair on my face, Hermione's comment wakes up Gin, who looks at me as well, she gets up, and in unison both of them hug me, I start to sob in their arms. I feel so safe with my bestfriends, they will always be here for me. I let go and Mione says "Lets talk, c'mon, all 3 of us". 

The next morning my eyes were dry, I cried and talked to Gin and Mione all night, I only got about 3 hours of sleep. At least we are having a girls day in 2 days, Saturday. I dread today, I really don't want to see his face, his perfect fa- STOP. I will never admit my crush. Ever. Mione forces me to wake up, she tells me she will be with me every step of the day, and that if I don't want to, she will talk to Ron and just let me chill out. I love her. I walk out to the Great Hall, everyone is just eating and minding their own business. I feel dreadful, I look dreadful. I don't think I have ever looked worse. I only have mascara on, I couldn't bring myself to put on anymore.  I grab my food and sit at the Gryffindor table as usual, I sit in-between Mione and Gin, while Harry sits across from Ginny, Dean sits across from me and Neville across from Mione. Ron is no where to be found. What's new? I finish eating and go to class, and everything goes smoothly, until free period. Here we go again.

Xoxo, Ronald WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now