Awkward Much? Jeez Kuroo...

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Kenma yawned and rolled over, he remembered what happened yesterday. He definitely internally screamed. He rolled out of his bed and went to go to the bathroom to Brush his hair. He walked in without hearing the shower running because he was still half asleep. He opened the door and then, he couldn't believe his eyes. There, before him, was a very naked Kuroo. "Why don't you join me Kenma?" Kuroo asked, stepping into the shower.

"umm... ok?" Kenma shyly said, he was never this shy and it kind of scared him. He slowly started taking off of his shirt, still insecure, even though Kuroo has seen him without a shirt multiple times. He soon had all of his clothes off and stepped in the shower with Kuroo. 

"My god, took you long enough, the hot water was running out." Kuroo said snarkily, earning a smack on the head from Kenma. Kenma didn't really know what to do, so he just stood there. Kuroo was washing himself though, like any normal person would. Kenma was incredibly awkward. He was really trying not to look down... there, but he couldn't help it. About forty-five minutes later, they got out of the shower, and Kenma was finally able to brush his hair. They walked to practice together from Kuroo's house. When they got there the team of course noticed Kenma's hickeys right away. They teased but eventually dropped it because Kenma was annoyed and if they got too pushy with the jokes, they would all be murdered. Kenma is truly terrifying if you get him mad enough. 

Near the end of practice, Kenma remembered that Kuroo's birthday was the next day and he wanted to make it unlike the rest because, ya know... they're dating now? Kenma decided that he was going to take Kuroo to the movies. 

HELLO I BET YOU THOUGHT I DIED :D I didn't. I just got lazy and unmotivated heehee ALSO I am dealing with mental issues lol. DO NOT BE WORRIED OR I WILL HIT YOU.  It's just stress buildup from school and stuff :) I am getting better though. BUT the Fanfic will probably be finished today. I hope... ANYWAYS SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER :)

Love Story: A KuroKen FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now