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Kenma was in the shower now, and Kuroo was laying in bed. Kuroo flopped to his right and  checked the time. 

"OH SHIT! Kenma and the team, Bokuto, and Akaashi are going to be here any minute!!" Kuroo said as he threw on some clothes and flew into the living room, turned on the T.V. and sat down on the sofa. Pretty soon there was a knock on the door. Kuroo got up to answer the door. He went to unlock it, but it was already unlocked. "weird." he thought. He opened the door and was greeted by the friendly faces of his teammates, Bokuto, and Akaashi. He got some amazing presents from everyone.

Bokuto and Akaashi got him a Shirt with a rooster on it, and before the party, Bokuto insisted to Akaashi that he should get Kuroo a separate gift. 

It was a pair of sweatpants that had the word "thighs" printed on the outside thigh area of them. 

Kuroo was confused as to why he got a pair of pants with the word thigh, but then bokuto violently turned around and stuck his ass out, and on his black sweatpants, there was the word "ass". everyone giggled. 

The Nekoma team got him a series of gifts, the best one from Yaku, a new macbook.

And, we all know what kuroo got from kenma. :)

Later, after everyone leaves, Kuroo and Kenma are the only ones left at the house. 

"Kuro, I'm sorry for that stupid movie, i want to do something better, what do you want to do?" Kenma asked, snuggled into Kuroo's side on the couch. 

"oOoOoOoooH YESSs" Kuroo says. "I wanna go to a schmancy restaurant in Shibuyaaa"


And they were off, in tuxes and all, driving to this restaurant in Shibuya. 

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