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Five Year Time Skip

Five years had past since Furlan had passed out at Levi's table, since then he'd been allowed to stay with them for some strange reason. Lorna was never told the reason behind why Levi let him stay with them though, but they seemed to get on which was rare when it came to Levi. Most people feared him in The Underground City because they knew what he was capable of doing if they rubbed him up the wrong way or double crossed him, Lorna herself had felt his wrath long ago when she first meet him.

Furlan decided to join Levi's group even if it was just the two on them most of the time, Lorna didn't count as one of the group because she didn't want to be a thug. Furlan had told her she was better off as the little housewife, he said the house was a safer place than the streets of The Underground City. She couldn't agree with him more, the amount of thugs and murderers roaming the streets at night had gotten worse over the last few years. She rarely left the house these days unless she was with Furlan or Levi, she sometimes sat on the steps outside of the house and spoke with a few of the thugs Levi sometimes hired to help him out with jobs. Most of them had been to the surface, they had told Lorna many things about what was going on up there. They told her about the three walls, how clean the taverns were up there and sometimes about the Titans that roamed outside of Wall Maria. Most of them didn't believe that there were Titans outside of the walls anymore, they said it was a conspiracy to keep everyone trapped inside of the walls like rats. She couldn't really comment about anything they said about the surface though, she had been born in The Underground City. 

Tonight was a busy night at Levi's house, he had some merchants over discussing a job with him and Furlan. Normally when they spoke with others about business Lorna would go to her bedroom and have an early night, but she couldn't sleep with all the noise going on downstairs right now. She could hear raised voices and laughter, it was getting beyond annoying now. Lorna was sitting in her bed and looking through some old books she had borrowed from the bookcase downstairs, they were about nature and mythology. There were a few paragraphs about Titans in the book she was reading, there wasn't much written down about them though. After awhile she got bored of reading and decided to go to bed, she placed the books on the dresser. She then took a dagger from underneath the bed which Levi had given her for protection, she always slept with it underneath her pillow when merchants were in the house. She didn't trust any of them since one merchant burst into her bedroom one time when she was getting ready for bed, it had scared her half of her. But Furlan was at hand and he quickly directed him back downstairs, since then this dagger had become her sleeping companion. 

Lorna pulled back the blankets on her bed, she sat down on it and placed her dagger underneath the pillow. She got into bed and covered herself up with the blankets while she listened to the raised voices downstairs again. She sighed to herself and watched the flame of the lit candle on the bedside cabinet flickering, she then pulled her blankets over her head and tired to fall asleep. 


A few hours later 

Lorna stirred in her sleep when she heard the wooden floorboards of her bedroom creek, she quickly pulled the blankets away from her head and jumped when she saw the blurry outline of man standing next to the bed. She grabbed her dagger from beneath the pillow, she quickly kicked the blankets away from herself and lashed out at the man with her dagger. But the man dodged her move, so she kneed him hard in the chest which gave her time to stand up on the bed and get ready to attack him again if needed. Her sleepy gaze focused on him while she pointed her dagger towards him, but when he looked up at her from the floor the first thing she noticed about him were his dark eyes. His gaze alone she knew far too well who this man was standing before her, it was Levi. She lowered her dagger with a sigh of relief, but now she was wondering what he was doing in her bedroom. She gave him a weak smile while he got to his feet, she was either going to get a beating of a life time or some form of punishment which normal meant cleaning the house from top to bottom. She stood and watched him take a few step towards the bed, he then put his hands up in surrender.

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