1 - Strangers When We Meet ♡

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All bruised passivity
All your regrets
Ride rough-shod over me
I'm so glad
That we're strangers when we meet


Kings Cross Station was heaving, Lila and Keanu, who had now lived alone for a year and still hadn't managed to sort out time management, meaning the Hogwart's Express was about to leave any minute. Not even bothering to get a trolley they pushed past many people to reach the entrance to the platform, lugging their trunks behind them. They reached the wall, Lila first, and Keanu waiting behind.

"Well get on with it then." Keanu snapped at his younger sister. She complied with him, ignoring his rudeness, and ran straight at the wall, shortly followed by Keanu.

Surrounding them were Wizards, Witches and muggles, all sobbing and waving simultaneously at the already-boarded kids.

"Fucking muggles," Keanu hissed as he saw the ordinary people, "get on the train and don't cause me any problems. If you need help, get someone else."

"When do I ever bother you? And your the last person I would go to for help anyway." Lila said, knowing he couldn't hear her as he had already walked away and into the train.

Keanu was obsessed with blood purity, and quite frankly a horrible person. He wasn't always like this however, when their parents were alive he was a happy boy, and kind to all - he didn't really have an opinion on blood status. But ever since they passed, he changed into a whole new person - probably for something else to focus on other than the deaths. His sister, on the other hand, Lila, was a very pretty girl and kind, but had a fierce attitude and you didn't want to get on the wrong side of her - she had quite the temper and could easily defend herself, mainly from her brother, as no one else really bothered her. She kept to herself for the most part, she wanted to get school over with as she wasn't really a sociable person. She only had one person she knew she could rely on, and that was none other than Peter Pettigrew. She had befriended him in the first year, when he hadn't met the Marauders yet, and they got along well. But as time goes on they spend less and less time together - seeing as he's always with the boys.

She climbed aboard the train and walked on and on in search of an empty compartment, but all were occupied. After five minutes or so she gave up and settled for one which only had a boy in it.

She slid the door open, "Mind if I join you? Every where else is full." she asked a dark curly haired boy sat in the corner, who was sat looking down. He raised his head, which revealed beautiful grey eyes and defined features.

"Yeah- um- of course." he smiled, not expecting anyone to join him.

"It's fine if not, really, I can find somewhere else." she replied.

"No, no. Please, sit down." he said, moving his bag of the seat opposite him and motioning for her to sit. He took both of their bags and put them in the shelves above.

"Thankyou, Regulus is it?" she questioned, assuming from his similarities to his elder brother, Sirius. He smiled, happy that she knew his name.

"Yes, nice to meet you Miss Belle-Rose."

"And you, but please, call me Lila." she replied as they shook hands.

"Keanu's sister, am I right?" he asked, earning an eye roll from Lila at the mention of his name.

"Sadly, but I promise we're nothing alike." she said defensively, knowing that Keanu was renowned for being a twat.

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