6 - She Will Be Loved ♡

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I don't mind spending every day
Out on your corner in the pouring rain, oh
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay a while


The following morning Lila was awoken by the aesthetic sounds of Italy; locals chatting happily, bicycle bells ringing and soft waves crashing in the water. It was bliss. Her morning improved even further when she rolled over to find the pretty raven-haired boy sleeping peacefully next to her. She moved a stray curl out of his face as he began to stir.

Lila didn't regret last night, it was heaven, but the chances of it continuing when they went home were slim. The boys would completely shut her out, and not to mention his older brother. Sirius would most definitely not take it well. But for now, it was just them, out in the big muggle world, together.

Regulus' eyes began to flutter open and a grin instantly spread over his face as his eyes met hers, "Morning, gorgeous." he mumbled in a coarse voice.

"Morning, handsome." she smiled, latching an arm over his torso and rested her head on his chest.

"How are you feeling?" he asked uncertaintly.

"Absolutely brilliant, thanks to you," she snuggled further into him, as he ran a finger up and down her spine.

"I'm very glad. But- but if you feel differently, please just tell me-"

"Regulus mother fucking Black. Do you think that if I felt differently I would still be here right now?"

"No." he said, his confidence now returning, "I should hope not and after all, I am, as you say, Regulus mother fucking Black."

Lila pulled his face down to hers, and gently pressed their lips together, more sensitively this time.

"I doubt this will carry on though, once we're back at school, I mean." he said against her lips. He knew that this would be what she was thinking, and instead of making her be the one to admit it, Regulus took it upon himself. "With your friends and my brother and all."

"I know, I know." she sighed, she positioned herself so that she was now lying on his chest, "But-Just-For-Now" she said, placing kisses around his neck and jaw in between words.

"Just- just for now." he stuttered slightly, as she trailed kisses down his body.


The long weekend had passed, Lila and Regulus had returned to school, after arriving back on Monday, they decided to leave Tuesday to unpack and adjust to being home. The two hadn't spoken much about what went on whilst they were away, thought it best to leave the subject as it was. It was now Wednesday and Lila was eating breakfast in the Great Hall with the Marauders.

"You're telling me that you had that massive mansion to yourself for a 4 days... and all you did was read and clean?" Sirius said, through a mouth full of food, "I call bullshit."

Remus looked to Lila disapprovingly with his eyebrows raised, unhappy that she was lying to them. But they both knew that it was for the best.

"I did! What do you expect me to do?" she lied.

"I don't know have a boy-"

"-or girl, she likes the best of both worlds remember." Remus interrupted with a wink, "Can't blame you."

"As I was saying," James continued sassily, "you could have had people round, could've gotten drunk... there are endless possibilities and you decided to read some muggle nonsense." he rolled his eyes, as the others nodded in agreement.

"That's my idea of fun, okay? Leave me be. And I need to get going, I've got potions first." she said in an attempt to move away from the copious amounts of lies she had told.

She packed up her bag and exited the room sharply, leaving the four boys to speculate at her abruptness. She walked the corridors quickly, hoping not to bump into Regulus, before having to join him in their shared lessons

The two had spoken, but it was short and sweet, about casual topics you would talk to a passerby about. They weren't sure why, the weekend they had spent together was incredible, both had the time of their life. But they knew that it wouldn't last, school life wasn't going to allow them to be so care free - too many speculations and people who believe they have a valid opinion on such things.

She took a seat at the back of the class, placing her bag on the stool next to her making it clear she wanted to be on her own. The class settled down, as did Regulus, on a row in front on the left, not having even greeted her.

Slughorn droned on about veritaserum, before announcing that the students needed to work with a partner. Not even contemplating the idea, Lila remained in her seat as she set out her work space. But a tall figure took a seat next to her, placing her bag on the floor.

"I hope you weren't planning on partnering up with someone else." he laughed.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Reg" she responded half-heartedly.

They worked on the potion for around ten minutes, making conversation and slowly falling back into their old ways. A moment of silence fell upon them, as Lila felt a hand upon her exposed thigh above her knee-high socks.

"What the fuck are you-" she began.

"You know, I've been thinking," he started, as his thumb began caressing her leg, Lila's breathe getting hitched in her throat at the contact, "I don't want it 'Just for then'. I want you now." he whispered, quoting the phrase they used whilst away.

"We're- we're in class, Regulus-"

"Oh, like people being around stops you. If I remember correctly, I had you on the balcony, did I not?" he smirked.

He felt her relax into his touch, immediately removing his hand, in an attempt to get her wound up - and it worked. She furrowed her brows at him, annoyance in her eyes.

"Are you fucking serious?" she asked harshly.

"Ew, no, I'm not incest," he sniggered, "but yes, I am, like you said, it's a shame we're in class." he winked subtly, then quickly turning his attention to the professor, "Sir, is this potion-"

"Sorry, Sir, Regulus spilt it all over himself, we've just got to clean it up." Lila interrupted, grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the classroom.

A few meters down, stood a cupboard in the wall, she yanked him inside. Regulus looked around at the small and dark space, "In here?"

"Was that just all talk and no play then?" Lila raised her eyebrows.

"Oh absolutely not." he smirked.

With a swift movement he had scooped her up, her legs around his waist and his hands gripping her thighs as he held her against the door. Their mouths connected almost naturally. Bodies pressed, hands roaming - the two wanted to consume all of each other, no matter the consequence.

Pure lust.

A/N: Sorry for a short chapter, I just wanted to update :) hope you're enjoying let me know what you think <3

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