5 - Venice Queen ♡

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TW: Smut

We all want to tell her
Tell her that we love her
Venice gets a queen
Best I've ever seen
We all want to kiss her
Tell her that we miss her


Two weeks had past since Lila's messy birthday party, during this time her life had gone back to a sort of normality. Regulus and Lila, after a few days of avoiding each other, made up; Regulus apologised for ruining her night and Lila apologised for slapping him. Lila's relationship with the Marauders pretty much remained the same (except a slight awkwardness between her and Sirius at times). However the same could not be said for the relationship between Regulus and the Marauders, that was deteriorating daily, James often spitting insults when he passed, and Sirius 'despised' his brother even more - though Lila knew the boys could never truly hate one another, they were siblings and were awfully close when they were younger. She believed that one day, they would get over their petty feuds and act like family once again - she feared the same wouldn't occur for her and Keanu, he hadn't even looked at her for weeks.

Today was the day that Lila and Regulus were to fly to Venice, Italy. Regulus had convinced Lila to travel by muggle transportation (quoting, "It's not an authentic holiday if we don't fly by plane!"). Walburga Black, disgusted by the mere thought of her son doing anything related to muggles, sent the younger brother a howler after he informed her they were going away for a weekend, and hadn't owled him since.

Lila rolled over, surprised her bedside clock hadn't rang in order to wake her and Regulus up, rubbed her eyes and glanced to check the time.

"REGULUS! GET UP!" she screeched, awakening the pretty boy from his slumber, as Lila crawled out of bed, "We were meant to be awake half an hour ago! It's 6:15am!"

"Calm down, woman, it's fine, the plane doesn't leave until 8:30." Regulus grumbled, not prepared to be woken up so violently. Lila rushed around her room, collecting the last little bits she could and putting them into her hand luggage. They had already packed suitcases the night previously.

"Have you ever even used a muggle airport, Reg? You have to be at the gate 20 minutes early, you've also got security - which is a bloody nightmare, I might add - and we've got to get there in the space of- like- 2 hours!" she said worriedly, still stuffing things into her bag. Regulus clambered out of bed, slowly dawdled into her bathroom and locked the door, Lila stared with a unimpressed, sort of are you being serious face. "Your lucky you've got such an organised friend, you know! I left you clothes for today on the side!" she called, looking frantically for the clothes she'd left out for herself.

"I woke up like two minutes ago, Lils, can you give me a minute?" he moaned, as you can tell, Regulus isn't much of a morning person. Lila knocked rapidly on her bathroom door, in an attempt to apply and pack some makeup before leaving, instead resorting to using her wand and opening the door. "Do you mind? - no - I guess not." Regulus said, wearing just his plaid pyjama bottoms, as Lila barged in, not paying him any attention.

After about 20 minutes of Lila running around her room, getting dressed and her remaining things packed, and Regulus, being the calmer one of the two, allowed Lila to do the same for him.

"Wait, Regulus, where's the tickets? Where's our passports? You did get permission from Dumbledore, didn't you?"

"Stop panicking! The tickets are in your bag, and the passports are in mine, I've left them there since we picked them up, and I got permission before I booked the holiday, you twat." he said, wide-eyed, trying not to panic the girl anymore.

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