7 - Saturday Nights Alright ♡

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Don't give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in


It was a Saturday morning, Lila and the boys were going to Hogsmeade for the day. James and Lila shared the bed tonight, Peter on the large beanbag in her room, and Sirius and Remus on the floor. They were planning on spending the night in the Three Broomsticks seeing as a local band was playing there tonight.

Regulus had asked Lila to go with him, but she had already made plans with the others, causing a further rivalry between the boys - if that was possible.

Since Wednesdays events Lila and Regulus had carried on, everywhere and anywhere possible - it had taken over their friendship. James was now aware of the situation between the two, seeing as he walked in on them, causing Lila to admit what had happened on the holiday; James had agreed to keep this from Sirius, as it would cause nothing but problems, but he himself was not happy.

"Peter, get the fuck off." James groaned, unwrapping his arm from around Lila, as Peter launched himself onto the bed - making the other three stir.

"But I've been up for hours now. If you lot don't get up now, the Three Broomsticks will be shut by the time we get there." Peter huffed, causing Sirius and Remus to get up suddenly.

"Stop being so dramatic it's only 11am. Lila, stop hogging the bed please." James replied, as Sirius then also threw himself on the end of the bed next to Peter, Remus took a seat on the beanbag Peter had slept on.

"This is my bed- Peter, get off!" she squealed as Sirius and James snickered, whilst Peter tickled her legs.

"Merlin, would you keep it down." Remus huffed, with his head flung back. Lila, who had now kicked Peter off the bed, got up and made her way to the beanbag where Remus lay with his eyes shut, before throwing herself onto it, making Remus suddenly jolt off and onto the floor. "For fucks sake. Do you mind?" he spat, rubbing his back.

"Not at all." Lila replied smugly, "Right, boys, get up and ready please, I don't really fancy queuing."

"Lila, please don't make us go shopping again, I might actually cry." Peter groaned, as the four began to get up groggily.

"It's Fabian and Gideon's birthday tomorrow, I want to give them something, and although they are the most annoying men that live and breathe, besides you, they have been nothing but kind to me." Lila explained, throwing the boys their clothes.

"How about a blowjob instead?" James muttered, not intending for anyone to hear, but Lila did.

"James, come here and sort your clothes out please." she ordered, pointing to the mass of dirty clothes on the floor beside her. James guiltily complied, and crouched beside her gathering his belongings, "What's your problem?"

"Nothing, you were just pretty easy for Regulus, what's stopping you with the twins." he shrugged.

"Are you fucking joking? I understand you don't like him, or what goes on between me and him, but it's one boy. If you're going to slut shame anyone have a chat with Sirius, he's had half the school." she scolded, James looked down sadly, "Don't be upset, Potter."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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