5. Safe

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I never needed a hero to save me.

I just needed to believe that I could save myself from Nolan.

The reason I listened to him when he spoke was because I still loved him. A lot. He was my first love after all.

However, with his psycho mind out of my way, I could be free off him.

His mother apologized. She said that her son was not sane. He crossed that barrier a long time before. Mercy, his wife-to-be, had endured the worst of it.

She had loved him so much, she did everything he asked her to do. Talk about love and stupidity, right there.

The right love meant for a wrong man.

I couldn't hate her. I mean, we were so alike. The psycho that was my ex had managed to control both of us somehow. My friends became his. His enemies became mine.

And his friends all hated me. His silver tongue weakened many a mind.

I was left by almost all of our friends. They became close with Mercy and always compared me to her. They'd always tell me to aspire to be like her.

Bottom line, I hated her so much for taking him, that I decided never to be like her.



I could hear the churches when I woke up. This was the Eldoret I knew.

The one I spent 6 years at. Six years away from home.

As I stared at my house, I smiled. Just two days ago, I had been brought back from hospital by Simon who dropped my mum and I off at the entrance of my apartment building.

My mum had brought boxes to pack my stuff. I had asked her to get in touch with someone who I could donate some of my things to.

The rest I would sell. I started with the TV. I took pictures of it and put them up, along with my iron box and fridge on an application called OLX.

It was easy. We discussed with my mum whatever she could take, and whatever she didn't want, we took photos and uploaded them on OLX.

As I stood in the kitchen on this particular day, I turned the volume up as Taylor Swift came on.

We are never ever ever getting back
you go talk to your friends
talk to my friends
talk to me
but we,
are never ever ever, getting back together.

As always, my mum was dancing as she packed up some of my prized glass dishes.

Yes, I have good taste in China, okay?

I shook my head, swinging my ponytail as I danced to my bedroom like a crazy dancer. My room was in some sort of disarray.

Ordered chaos.

Can you find your glasses?

"Mum, have you seen my glasses?" I called to her.

"No dearie!"

I shook my head before deciding to hunt through my pile of clothes and laundry I did before I got admitted in hospital.

Deciding not to make the mess a lot more messier, I opted to fold the clothes. Thirty minutes later, I found my glasses under my pillow.

After spreading the bed.

Yeah... must have used it last night. Yah know, light reading before bed.

The Sabrina Series: Sabrina Versus VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now