7. Down The Corridor We Go

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I sighed, stretching in bed.


I woke up, to see Siva smiling at me. I rubbed my eyes.


He nodded his head. His hands engulfed me in his warmth, making me smile.

From my bed's warmth to Siva's warm arms...

"Come, you need to clean up and have breakfast."

I nodded, still feeling sleepy. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," he replied. "Now get out of bed before I carry you myself."

"That would be so much fun."

"Hmm. Up."

I drew the covers around myself, and looked up at him innocently. Siva shook his head. I hid the rest of my face and stared at him with my eyes.

"Stop doing that."

"Carry me!"


"Because I asked?"


"Plus it is my birthday!"

He shook his head before scooping me up from the bed. I was tangled in the sheets and he made no move to loosen them from around me.

I slipped my hands, or tried to slip my hands around his neck but it wasn't working. Eh!

"Siva, don't drop me. Please?" I whispered. Our eyes met and held. We just stared at each other before he spoke.

"I won't."


Breakfast, once again, was cereal. I snatched some weetabix up and made sure to pour lots of milk on it. I sprinkled sugar and started to drink my breakfast on a spoon.

I had just taken three spoonfuls when I heard a manly scream. I looked up in alarm to see Liam pointing in fear at all the spoons on the table. He looked horrified.

"Liam! Are you okay?" I asked, trying not to laugh. He looked so scared. It made me feel so guilty.

"Who... who..."


"Who...did... put spoons..."

I looked down just as Leigh and Jesy walked in. They stopped at the sight of all the spoons and a paralysed Liam.

Come to think of it, what was Liam doing in the girl's house?

Anyway, Jesy took one look at the spoons and gave me a 'really now' look. Yeah, I had been curious sometime in the past on Liam's fear for spoons. I told her, during one of our skype moments, that I wanted to see Liam's face if I arranged loads of spoons in front of him.


"I was curious!" I defended myself before helping to clear up. Liam had run away as soon as he realized that I was staring.

And recording...

"One Direction will prank your sorry self for the rest of your week."

I squared my shoulders. "I'll deal with them."


Perrie handed me back my phone with a strict 'check it at midday' warning. I had to comply.

Hydra in the house.

Hell no.

We wrote a song together. It was called 'How You Doin' and I was supposed to rap... but I changed my mind in the last minute.

The Sabrina Series: Sabrina Versus VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now