6. Settling In

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Our trip was long and tiring. We hired a vehicle, the three of us, and it took us from Eldoret to Nairobi.

It was late in the afternoon when we got to Nairobi. My mum offered us her place to stay. We spent the night in my parents' house, but left the next morning at half past three.

Siva had slept in the guest room. I had felt lonely as I lay in my bed for once. I couldn't explain why. I fell asleep at 1.00AM. When I got up at 3.00AM, it felt like I had been asleep for five minutes.

My father's chauffeur dropped us at the airport at 4.00AM. We were on board in an hour's time. They served us breakfast as soon as we were in the air.

We ate before we fell asleep. We both looked exactly as we felt. Siva and I cuddled as we slept. I had a lovely dream about performing at Wembley with One Direction and The Wanted.

Weird dream.



Someone was shaking me awake. I groaned and held onto Siva.

"We're here."

I looked up. Siva's eyes stared down at me. His hair was a mess, so was mine.

"Bed hair," I muttered, and he grinned.

"You still look beautiful, Sleeping Beauty."

"Eh...!" I said while looking down. I could feel his eyes on me as I opened my handbag and brought out an afro comb and a fine-tooth comb. I gave the latter to him.

We neatened up before getting off the plane with my luggage and his. He helped me move mine because his was almost non-existent. There were only two or three paparazzi, but that was because Cristiano Ronaldo was flying in too. Lucky us I guess.

Simon had arranged a car that picked us up pronto. Siva was dropped off first. I was driven to some apartments. The driver heled me carry my luggage in and up to the floor I would be staying at.

I was received by a young lady called Stella. She told me to go to bed as soon as I had showered, had a bite to eat, and changed into pajamas.

I was so exhausted that as soon as I was done eating, I crawled into my bed and fell asleep.


I felt something nudge my foot again as my face was poked. I m oved by foot and swatted at the hand as they poked me.

"You have to wake up!" I heard Jesy say. "I don't wanna pour water on you."

Yeah right. Like she will.

"They're eating all the food in the kitchen. Get up!" Jade called. I smiled to myself.

Dare anyone touch my nachos. I'll breathe fire on them.

Unsuccessful to wake me up, they left. A moment later, I heard someone enter. Then they jumped on my bed.

Time to wake up
Vas happenin
Time to get up
Get up! Get up!
Time to get up!

I sat up screaming, "holly molly what's happening?! Is that a dead cat?!"

Liam stopped bouncing on my bed, and I noticed Niall hiding behind his blonde locks as he pretended to adjust his guitar.

"And cut! BYE!" Louis yelled and dashed off with Harry. I rolled my eyes feeling too tired to start chasing after him in the morning.

"You have to hurry up," Liam said as he sat on my bed. Niall smiled at me before looking down. Why was he acting weird?

The Sabrina Series: Sabrina Versus VillainsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora