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As soon as Bakugou and Kirishima were asleep, Todoroki collapsed on the couch. He massaged his temples, trying to find any memory of the three men. 

I have to remember something about them, we are soulmates after all. 

He stared at the string, the gray one glitching. He sighed and rolled over, facing the back of the couch.

Maybe it's for the best.

A knock at the door jolted him out of his state. Groaning, he got up and walked to the door. The knocking refused to stop, impatient and panicked.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming!"

Todoroki opened the door to see a man with wild purple hair standing there. The man glared at him.

"Of course they made you their pet."

Todoroki nodded at him.

"Hitoshi. Why are you here?"

Shinso pushed past him, collapsing on the couch.

"I was coming here so that I could comfort Kirishima and Bakugou, but obviously they've already replaced Midoriya the way they replaced you."

Todoroki frowned, standing in the doorway staring at Shinso. He fiddled with the quirk blocking bracelets, staring at Shinso's broken string.

"Was Izuku really as bad as you said? He didn't look capable of murder."

"He was worse than what I told you. He was a whore and a manipulator and a vicious murderer. Kiribaku is better without him."

Todoroki sighs and walks back to the groceries, continuing to put them away. Shinso watches, his sleepy eyes tracing his figure. He stared at Todoroki's burnt left arm.

"You went overboard again didn't you?"

Todo nodded, not looking at him. Shinso scoffed.

"Let me guess, you burnt Bakugou to a crisp. How the hell is he still alive?"

He shrugged.

"He's tough, I guess."

Shinso watched for a few more minutes, then stood up.

"I'm gonna go wake up Kiribaku."

"No need."

Bakugou stood in the doorway, glaring at Shinso.

"Where the hell have you been the last few years?"


Remember? (Todobakukirideku sequal to Smile!)Where stories live. Discover now