Shinso's Story (Part 2)

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Todoroki nodded, picking up the story.

"Hitoshi came on many successful missions by night and acted as a hero by day. Kaminari praised him a lot to the disapproval of Master."

Shinso raised an eyebrow, staring at Todoroki. He continued, oblivious to the purple man's amusement.

"Master once sent Kaminari on a very dangerous mission, and he died at the hands of the heroes. Hitoshi refused to be a hero and started being with the league full time. We became pretty close friends."

Bakugou rolled his eyes. 

"Of course you were with the villains. I saw it coming the moment Kaminari joined the LOV."

Shinso went to answer, then sniffed the air.

"Do you smell smoke?"

The angry blonde growled, jabbing Shinso's chest.

"Don't try to change the subject, you little-"

He was cut off when a blast of blue fire rocketed through the building. Bakugou's eyes widened.


He ran into the fire, calling out for Kirishima. Todoroki followed, his dull eyes suddenly bright with alarm.

Shinso (The only one with a brain) ran outside. He stopped just outside the apartments, watching the whole building go up in flames. People poured out the doors, coughing and supporting each other. Shinso's purple eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the three. People stopped pouring out he building just as the fire brigade showed up. Shinso ran through the crowd, looking for them.

Kami would kill me if I lost them! Where are those idiots???

He was still searching when the medics came out of the now smoldering building, wheeling Bakugou, Kirishima and Todorkoki out. He approached the medics, frantic.

"Are they going to be alright???"

The medics shook thier heads, apologising to the purple haired man.

It's not the end yet~

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