The end

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Bakugou shaded his eyes from the glaring white of the void he floated in. He groaned, glancing around.

"Eijiro?  Shoto? Anyone?"

He wandered through the emptiness, calling out every now and then. Eventually, he saw a figure in the distance. It was like they had appeared out of thin air! He ran towards them, recognizing the spikey red hair the closer he got.


The redhead turned to him, and Bakugou stopped short. Kirishima's eyes were fully white, with a dripping white halo and big, beautiful bouncy wings that matched his hair. Kirishima recoiled as well.

"Katsuki? Why do you look like that?"

Bakugou reached up and felt horns on his head, but when he reached towards his back he found fluffy feathers. He frowned.

"We're kinda like angels and demons... Are we..."

Kirishima hugged Bakugou tightly. He nodded into his shoulder. Bakugou found himself wrapping his arms around Kiri, and they cried. 

After they had calmed down, a timid hand touched Bakugou's shoulder. Turning around, he came face to face with Todoroki. He had pitch black horns and scaly bat wings. His brow was furrowed in concern.

"Where are we?"

Bakugou and Kirishima looked at each other.

"The afterlife."

The end!

I hope you all enjoyed this UwU

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