It was the most amazing thing i'd ever seen

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      The next morning i woke up stretching my arms over my head. I had survived my first night in this strange but magical town. All without my mom. I was an only child and my dad died when i was younger so it was just her and i. She tended to baby me from time to time. 

       But i felt like a big kid. That thought almost made me sick as my eye caught the library book on the table. I picked it up dejectedly. I flipped it open. "Good morning Bruce the Brute." I said to the huge red dragon.

       I had bothered Theodore enough. For one day at least. He just kept telling me "the book would tell me what i need to know." I hoped he was right. I mean i still couldn't fight some dragon of course but i knew books. I flipped to the next page. And then the next and so on. There was no way telling me HOW to kill the dragon or even how to find the dragon. I guess that's what he meant when he said the book couldn't spell it out for me. But this doesn't really help me.

       And the one thing that bothered me the most of all was nobody here mentioned anything about the dragon. Almost as if they hadn't see him, or didn't know anything about him. How can you be afraid of something you've never seen. I hopped out of bed and headed down the hallway to the elevator. I only had the one set of clothes maybe i could find more in town.

       Maize was at the front desk eating something resembling a donut. "Are you hungry my dear boy?" She asked. My stomach grumbled. "I guess so." I said sighing. I took a seat at the small table by the window that had two chairs. She sat across from me.

     "You look glum." She said sliding a danish over to me. "What's in this?" I asked. "Frazzleberry." She said shrugging. I took a bite and nodded. "I guess you can say i am glum." I said sighing. The danish wasn't bad. "Then tell me." She said. "You know what i'm supposed to do?" I asked. "Well i only know what Theodore told us." "Please tell me, what happened that day?" I asked.

       "Well Theodore knows every book in that library. One day he said a new book had shown up. He opened it and saw the sights of this very town. Here. And that a frightening beast would soon come lay his claim to us." She said. I took another bite listening intently. "Then he said a boy would come to save us all." She said matter of factly.

       "And not one of you thought that was strange? That some KID would save you all!?" I asked. "No silly why would it? The book wouldn't have picked you and you wouldn't of ended up here." She said. "How exactly did you end up here?" She asked.

       I told her all about me falling out of the tree back at my house. "Ouch! Well who knew that's what it would take. We've been waiting a while for you." She said. "What if the dragon had showed up first?" I asked. She shrugged. "That's not how the book said it would happen." She said. "But it's just a book. Do you know a lot of the books i read are fiction. As in made up. How do we know that book isn't made up? I mean has anybody here actually seen this dragon?" I asked.

       "No, i figured he'd show up one day just like you did." She said. "Right, but i can't do this." I said quietly. "Can't? Or won't? Look i know were asking a lot of you here. But if you don't do something we could all die." She said quietly. I didn't have an answer to that. She was right. Part of me didn't think i could do it but the other part of me didn't know why I should be the one to do it.

       "But why me? Why not one of you guys?" I asked. She shrugged. "I don't know if it was meant to be one of us the book said so. You know what? I think this is meant to be your greatest mission. That's why it's meant to be you and not one of us. Sure maybe one of us could take him on but i think it was meant to be you for a reason." She said. "Never mind that i'm a kid?" I asked. "Never mind that, and besides you're hardly a kid." She was right. I was going to be thirteen in two months then i would officially be a teenager.

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