Let's end this

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           I headed down the stairs that morning with my sword clutched into my hand. Maize had multiple bowls and plates on the table. "Food for battle?" She said sheepishly. I wouldn't argue with that. "I'll give you some time to think." She said stepping away.

          I thought about all the amazing people i had met. Maize how she worked at the inn because her father had a dream to build the tallest tower this side of the clouds.            

        Or leena who built amazing things out of metal. Because she liked working with her hands.

         Landry her brother who took over the family business so that he and Leena's parents could travel.

       For Chez and Bono who lived for a the game, any game.      

       For Clancy and Mabel who loved to cook and wanted to make sure everyone got a taste.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          For Theodore who loved books and thought everyone else should love them just as much.       

      For Flora who loved making sweet treats and seeing the smiles on everyone's faces.       

     For Astrid and Ruby who just wondered what was else was out there. Who might never get to find out.

    For Buzz who was so proud of the animals in his shop.

    For Dalia and her beautiful flowers.

   They had dreams...lives. I had nothing besides my books. I needed to do go home and find out what my place in this big world was.  The only way i could do that was to find this dragon. Bruce the brute. And to kill him so that everyone here could keep on dreaming. I knew in that moment i would do it. I would fight the dragon. I was going to find him. I didn't know where he was but i had an idea and i wouldn't stop until i found him. I headed back up to my room to put all of my armor on. I brandished my sword and looked at myself in the wooden mirror. I certainly looked like i could  fight and kill a dragon.

    I found my way back to the field where i had seen all of those unicorns that day. They were still there leaping about. One of them made its way over to me. The same unicorn i had met before with the black patch in the shape of a heart. I petted it slowly. "Hey girl, think you could give me a ride?" I asked. She nodded, her mane flapping in the wind. "Okay girl, thanks, i don't exactly know where we're going though." I said as i hopped on.

   We made our way through the forest and then past where the mermaids were swimming. You could hear them giggling over the roar of the waterfall. It's rainbow tinged waters sparkled as the sun hit it.       

    The forest had started to darken just a bit as it had the last time. We must be getting close. We rode for what seemed like an hour.  I didn't even know if i was going in the right direction. But the further we rode the darker the sky became. Finally it got so dark i could barely see. The unicorn lit up it's horn and light spread out in all directions. "Well that's cool." I said. 

    I heard the first growls. "Who dares traipse through my woods!?" The deep voice bellowed. "Follow that sound girl i think we're on the right path." But the unicorn startled. She was afraid to go any further. "Look, i won't make you go any further. I can leave you here and i'll go and see what that's about." I said. My armor making a clanging sound as i dismounted the unicorn.       "But maybe don't leave me?" I asked. She nodded her head. I followed the direction i heard the voice. 

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