I hope it fits

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       The next morning i woke up stretching my arms over my head. I walked to the balcony and took a look out. Just to see if the dragon had come for me yet. But he wasn't there. Hey maybe he hadn't heard about the library book and is hibernating in his cave. Maybe he wouldn't come at all. That thought gave me some peace as i headed down the stairs.

       "Heya there Noah." Said Maize. She had a cup of some type of juice and some cotton balls sitting on a plate across from her. It was very sweet of her to keep cooking breakfast for me. I took a seat. I didn't even question what any of it was. I didn't need to, most things had been good and while i knew it was impossible for me to like everything in the world i also knew that i hadn't tried any of the stuff here but... i'd liked what i had so far.

       I took a sip of the juice and it danced across my tongue. It was sweet and refreshing. "So cotton huh?" I asked. She giggled. "No silly those are doughballs!" She said. "Sure they are." I said just taking a bite. It melted on my tongue. "It's better than cotton candy." I said. "And can you believe it's healthy for you? I know i know. You'd probably rather i give you something like junk food." She said. "No, this is delicious thank you." I finished the dough balls and left the inn.

       I headed to Leena's metal shop. She was banging on a chest piece when i walked in. She didn't hear me so i waited for her to stop banging. "Oh Noah! I'm glad you're here." She said turning around. She held out the chest piece. "It's almost done. I was thinking you need a crest on it. Like a lion or a dragon. But then i thought no maybe not a dragon. That maybe the dragon wouldn't find that funny." She said.

       "Well if you've got some paper and a pen i have an idea." I said. She pulled a piece of paper and a pen from under the counter and slid it over to me. I drew a worm reading a book. I slid it back. "What is it?" She asked. "A bookworm, it's me." I said. "Perfect considering the circumstances too!" She said. "I love it!"

       "Let me get your stuff." She went into the back and came out with a few pieces. "Here's your helmet." She said setting it on my head. "Here's your arm and hand pieces. Once i finish the chest piece and back piece i'll do the legs and feet." She said. I lifted the face covering as it was somewhat hard to see. She showed me how to attach the hand and arm pieces.

       "Hey this is pretty cool!" I said. "Also i have this for you." She went back into the back once more and came out with a huge sword. It had a green gem in the middle that looked as if it was lighting up. "This is so cool." I said. I started to swing it around realizing maybe i didn't know what i was doing. "Oh, let me grab an extra sword and i'll show you some things. My dad was into those battle reenactments. Mostly the battle we had with "There" back in 1802." She said. 

       She went to the back wall and pulled a spare sword off of the wall. We headed out back and she proceeded to teach me how to use this bad boy. I had never felt so fearless, courageous and herolike in all my life. Let me tell you at first i didn't know what i was doing and i was getting my butt handed to me. But after a few hours i had gotten the hang of how to use the sword.

       "Thank you, it makes me think maybe you're the one that should be fighting the dragon." I said. "Don't be silly Noah. You have guts, that was amazing. You are getting really good with that sword of yours." She said. "Thank you but i don't feel  very ready to do this." I said sighing. I took a seat on the worn wooden bench.

       "Well just why not?" She asked. "I've never done anything like this, ever. I mean even as a kid i spent my head buried in books. As far as actual adventures all i've ever done was read about them." I said. She sighed taking a seat next to me. Her brown hair curled around her pointy ears. "Noah, maybe that's the point." She said quietly. "Maybe that's why you're here. To actually live your own adventure instead of just reading about them." 

       "What if i'm not very good?" I asked. She laughed. "I expect you won't be, i don't know to many people who have experience fighting dragons." "Well i suppose you have me there." I said kicking my shoes against the concrete. 

       "How did you get into iron work?" I asked. "My dad, he used to make all the props for his reenactments. And i would sit in his workshop for hours watching him work, amazed at all the things he could make. Then i asked him could i give it a try. He agreed, thinking i'd make a lopsided ball and be bored. But before we both knew it i had crafted a unicorn. It wasn't really pretty by any means but you could tell it was a unicorn and it just meant so much to me to be able to spend that time with him. My dad got sick later that year and i was so grateful to be able to look back on that time i had with him." She said.

       "I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, i understand that. My dad left when i was little too." I said. "Is that what made you fall in love with books?" She asked. "Yea i guess so. I never really thought about it before. Everytime i missed my dad or would get sad or even angry over him leaving, i pulled out a book." I said. "Makes sense." She nodded standing up. "My dad collected horse shoes." She lifted the lid to a bucket. I got up, walked over and took a look inside i started laughing. "That's a lot of horse shoes." I said. She nodded sheepishly. "Yea, i don't know what i'll ever do with them though." She shrugged.

       "Well i'll come back tomorrow and see how the progress of the armor is coming." I said. "Wanna learn a little more sword techniques?" She asked. "Oh for sure, i just don't want that dragon to sneak up on me. In fact i might start sleeping with this sword." I joked. She laughed. "Never hurts to be prepared." "Thanks again, i'll see you soon." I said. "Bye Noah, see you soon." 

       I left her shop and headed to see Mable and Clancy. "Oh Noah boy, what can we get you? We need our little dragon slayer to be strong!" Said Mable. "Knock that off would you?" Clancy hissed. "Oh right, sorry. What can i get you anyways?" Asked Mable. "Well i'd like some more of your soup. The tomchee is my favorite but maybe i could try something else?" I suggested. "Ooh we just cooked some Limechee soup." Said Clancy running into the back. Limes? That might be weird. But i would try it.

        I had ordered another juice like i'd had at breakfast now that i was safely in my seat. She brought out some soup with a side of crackerball. "We took your idea to heart, and it was such a hit!" Said Clancy pointing at the crackerball. "I'm so glad." They both stood and waited while i tried the soup. After i had added some cracker ball i took a tentative bite. It was like potato soup with bacon and cheese but somehow better. I couldn't explain it. "It's delicious!" I said taking another bite. Well i might not miss that silly dragon but i'd certainly miss the food.

       I had also realized that other than the one book i'd been given at the library i hadn't read anything. I thought it would feel more weird than it did but i actually enjoyed getting outside and exploring. I finished the soup, thanked the ladies and headed outside. The sun had started to set so i headed to the woods.

        As i looked around at the trees the sun filtered through the shiny leaves. The glass had turned the most beautiful shade. The colors bounced off of each other it had seemed. I sighed contently this was such a beautiful and amazing place. I turned around and headed back to my room at the inn. I was actually looking forward to meeting with Leena tomorrow and playing with the sword. With her it was fun with a dragon probably not so much. It being twice my size and what not.

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