Why does it breath fire?

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I woke the next morning and headed out the door. I was carrying my sword with me. Which i had in fact slept with last night. I shook my head passing the stairs. Tell me why they even have them? I mean do you really expect anybody to climb all those stairs? Maybe one day i'd climb them all because surely just like defeating the dragon it is impossible. But i'm told it's not impossible that killing him shouldn't be a big deal. But this is coming from everybody who isn't going to kill him. I pushed the button for the elevator and stepped inside. I didn't give the stairs another thought as i entered the lobby.

"Noah, here try these!" Maize said holding up two brown sticks. "Okay, thanks." I said taking the sticks from her. I took a bite it was crunchy but delicious like it had cinnamon and sugar and butter and all the good stuff. "These are yummy." I said. "Thank you, my grandmothers recipe." She beamed. "Where ya headed today?" She asked. "Probably back to see Leena she's been busy working on some armor for me." "Oh that's genius! I wished i had something to offer you in the battle." She said.

"You have hosted me while i've been here. You've seen to it that i had breakfast everyday. You're good in my book." I said. "Well good, can i ask you...How do you think you're gonna kill the dragon?" She whispered. "Well she's teaching me to use this sword. But i don't have a clue. I mean if he shows up while i'm in the bathroom were in trouble." I said. "That really is the tough part, not knowing when he's coming." She mused. "But i like the whole sword idea. Good luck to ya!" She cheered as i finished the last of my...stick....whatever it was really called. "I'll see ya out there kid." She said slugging me on the back. Not sure what she meant by that i waved and headed out the door and down the street.

I found Lena putting the finishing touches on my chest plate. "Ta-da!" She said once she saw me. She held it out for me to inspect. I set my sword against the counter "Well what do ya think?" She asked. Her green eyes sparkled with excitement. "Wow, that's amazing! If it wasn't for the fact i was expected to fight an evil dragon i might be excited." I said. "Oh, well yea...that." "One question though. How do you know this metal is fireproof?" I asked. "I've tested it." She simply shrugged.

"But how? I mean you didn't hold it up to a fire breathing animal, ya know?" I asked. "Actually that's not a bad idea...come with me." She said scooping up the chest plate. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Upstairs, you know, that fire breathing animal thing." She said. We headed up the stairs to where she had an apartment over her metal shop. "But i warn you, my apartment isn't pretty she got out and did a lot of damage and i've been cleaning it for days." She said. I stopped dead in my tracks. Just exactly what kind of animal did she have up in her apartment!?

"You coming?" She asked turning around, her hand on the door knob. "Psh yea, of course." I said waving her off as if i wasn't scared. She pushed the door open and we stepped inside. The poor couch and rug had been scorched in spots and the coffee table, i think it used to be a coffee table. We went through the kitchen her brown rustic wooden cabinets looked like they had zebra stripes. "See what i mean?" She asked putting her hand out.

"I keep her in a cage but somehow she got out i'm in the process of building her a bigger cage. An animal that needed a bigger cage. Right. Down the hallway and the first door on the right we entered a room. I saw a cage sitting on the night stand. Inside the cage was a tiny beautiful white bunny rabbit. "Well she is a cute thing." I said. "Yea, i call her Periwinkle." She said.

I reached down to get a better look at the bunny rabbit. Before i got to close, she opened her mouth and breathed out a huge breath of fire. I jumped back "Woah! That is...what just happened?" I asked. "Yea she kinda breaths fire." Leena said sheepishly. "Mind if i ask WHY in the world you have a rabbit that breathes fire?" I asked. "Well, nobody at wanted to adopt her and i felt bad for her. And besides i work with fire, i thought we were kind of kindred spirits?" She shrugged.

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