How long does it take to climb 47 flights of stairs

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       The next morning i woke up and jumped into the shower. The elf shampoo smelled pretty great and it made my hair super shiny. I couldn't for the life figure out why. I just needed the shampoo to clean my hair. I stepped out dressing in another new outfit. Since i had decided my time here should come to an end  i needed to figure out what i was going to do about the dragon. I scooped up my sword.

       I walked outside passing the stairs on my way down to the lobby. I stopped and turned around. Going down the stairs is supposed to be impossible. So is fighting a dragon. If i can do one impossible thing today maybe i could do another one tomorrow. And honestly somewhere inside of me deep down i knew that going down all of those stairs was possible. Maybe that's why i decided to go down them. To prove to myself that maybe defeating the dragon was possible.

       I took a look at the first step. Taking a deep breath i set my foot down on it. I thought about how long it would take me to climb this many stairs. In my mind i told myself it would take an hour. But i saw that i didn't. It only took me about ten minutes to climb down the stairs. Impressive. I mean i wouldn't wanna do it every day. And going down was certainly much easier i'd imagine than going up.

       "Oh Noah, you decided to take the stairs i see, well what did you think?" Maize asked. "Well i certainly thought it would take me much longer to get down them." I said. Maize laughed. "Yea, it's certainly good for a workout. I can't wait for you to try this." She said nodding to the table. I took a seat and she slid over a bowl. Cradling the sword in my lap i looked into the bowl.

        "I call it breakfast cobbler and i think it's my finest batch yet. I came up with the idea myself. You know one of those meals where you realize you hadn't gone to the grocery store and only had a handful of items. So you throw them all together but realize they are wonderful. " She said. "There's a grocery store here, of course. And a pet shop?" "Yea there's a lot to see here. If you turn at Landry's shop that's where you'll find those. We also have a furniture store and flower shop." She said. "My personal favorites are the galaxy violets." Said Maize. "Wow, well then i suppose i know what i'm doing today." I said.

       "Good, now go on try a bite." I took a tentative bite. How she did this i'll never know. It looked like peach cobbler if i was being honest. But it had all sorts of meats. All maple flavored and the breading was more like delicious buttery waffle. I got a bite of something resembling cheese. I thought i could add some eggs and this would be delicious at home. "Okay, this is my favorite thing you've met me yet. It's so good." I said closing my eyes as i took another bite. "Oh i'm so glad you like it." She squealed. I finished the breakfast cobbler and thanked her again.

      First i stopped off to see Leena. She had finished all of the armor and had me try it all on. Then we practiced sword fighting while i was wearing the armor. "You know, you move well in that armor i wouldn't of guessed." She said. "Me either. This for the record is my first time sword fighting in armor." I said laughing. "Good to know." We practice about an hour. "Well i say you're ready." She said as if her approval was all i needed. "Thanks for everything Leena." I said. "Well you have the hard part. I was happy to help either way." She said smiling. I headed back to the inn dropping the armor off in my room. But i took the sword with me just in case Bruce the Brute decided to show up. I left my taking the elevator. I left the inn heading outside once again.

       I headed down the street. Landry was out front sweeping off the front of his store. "Hey Landry, how's it going?" I asked. "Pretty great today, the weather is beautiful as usual! Cool sword!" Said Landry. "Thanks, It never gets hot here? No snow?" I asked. "I don't know what snow is but no it never gets hot here. I couldn't imagine that, i'd have to go to the waterfall and the mermaids wouldn't like that." He said laughing. "No i suppose they wouldn't, have a great day." "You to Noah!" Landry said waving. I turned the corner and there i saw the pet shop.

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