[Chapter 6]

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"What just happened?" Sapnap threw his body on the bed. "Am I dreaming right now?" George rubbed his eyes and blinked rapidly.

"This is messed up." Dream shook his head, the whole scenario played again in his head.

Techno stayed silent, all of the events clouded his mind. All of them are fuzzy and blurry. There are fragments of his childhood mixed with new things. They're messing up his brain.

"-no. Techno!" Sapnap violently waved his hand in front of Techno's face.

"Hmm?" Techno looked up slowly, facing the ravenette. "You were lost. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. So about what happened, it means the rumour is just straight up facts." Techno monotonously spoke. "You don't seem bothered with the fact of our school is full of killers." Dream folded his hands.

"That's irrelevant."

"Have you seen someone getting killed before?" George focused on Techno. ".... No." The pinkette hesitated.

The trio kept trying to pry out Techno's background. The voices are panicking on how to cover it up.

"What should we do??"

"Techno is in peer pressure."

"That is not helpful."

"We can lie."

"But they're smart. They'll find out eventually."


"Should we tell them the truth?"

"No! They'll think we're fucked up-"

"No, just him."

"-and they'll take pity on us."

Techno slowly back away, wincing at the loud voices. Dream and the others seem clueless and kept pestering him.

"SILENCE!" Techno shouted as he cover his ears. Finally silence came into the room. Only ragged breathing and quiet whimpers. "We're sorry. We were too curious." Dream looked guilty.

"That was stupid of us." George followed. Suddenly, the door burst open with Wilbur panting.

"Techno?!" The brunette whipped his head to Techno, who's crouching. His body language slowly relaxed at the sight of his brother. Wilbur gently approach Techno as if he's coming towards an injured animal.

"Hey bub, how are you?" Wilbur said soothingly.

"Not great." Techno replied.

"How so?"

"I was attacked. Not a pleasant experience."

"By who?"

Techno glared at the guilty looking trio. Wilbur noticed and also stare at them. It went on and on for 5 minutes. Just the 5 of them, looking at each other with different expression.

"What did you asked him?" Wilbur broke the silence.

"About mur-"

"Something that ticked him off." George cut Sapnap off. Luckily, Sapnap's voice was small.

"And that is?" Wilbur carried on asking. "Enough, Wilby. Thank you for worrying about me." Techno stood up. "But you should go and get ready. It's already 6 in the morning." He pointed to the clock.

"Don't ask him sensitive questions again." Wilbur squinted at Techno's roommates and left the room.

"You heard him. Keep this a secret and we'll talk about this later." Techno also left.

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