[Chapter 13]

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The 3 of them talked and talked for a really long time. But left out some information so their father won't be worried.

"-and also, the architect for this school is a goddamn hallway fiend. Like seriously, to get to this very room, you have to fucking walk pass 20 or more hallways." Tommy rolled his eyes.

Phil chuckled. It made him happy that his sons are safe in this school.

"Well, nonetheless, you made a bunch of friends and started to get settled in. I'm happy." The ol' warm smile came back on Phil's face.

They all hugged again. Then a fucking alarm rang loudly, startling the group.

"I guess time's up." Wilbur said teary eyed.

"I love you, my sons."

"We love you too, dad."

             * * *

"Tommy, you fucking owe us 20 bucks."

*record scratch sound*

It all started with Tommy having a weird feeling from the conversation he had with his family.

It felt odd.

Some of the pieces from the story line doesn't fit in well.

Is there something his brothers are hiding from him?

(Tommy, you hide shit from them too)

He must know what are they hiding. It's showtime.

"Ranboob, Tubbo, Jack. I have a poggers idea."

"Every idea you have is a bad idea."


Tommy glared at them. How dare they gang up on their leader, Tommy Minecraft.

"Alright, if it went wrong, I owe you people 20 bucks." Tommy said.

The others looked at each other and smiled. Tubbo walked up to Tommy.

"Deal." They shook hands.

"So, what's your idea, big man?"

Tommy ushered the to sit on his bed.

"Aren't you guys curious with what they do at night?"

"Who's 'they'?" Ranboo made air quotes.

"Y'know. Wil, Techno, and their stupid friends." Tommy rolled his eyes at Ranboo, as if it's obvious.

"Everytime I ask them what they do at night, they would hesitate for a second and say playing cards. Isn't that sus?"

"What if they really are playing cards?" Jack frowned.

"Don't think so. I once walked pass their room and it's dead silent. As if it's empty." Tubbo raised his eyebrow.

"They must've went somewhere else." Ranboo muttered.

The 4 of them scrambled to look out the window. And sure enough, they saw silhouettes running towards the woods.

"Holy shit." Tommy gasped.

"So your idea is to follow them?" Jack questioned.

"Fuck yeah! This went better than I expected." Tommy grinned. Eyes filled with determination. "This is gonna be poggers."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, big man." Tubbo warned. "How are we gonna go there?" He pointed out the window.

Ranboo snapped his fingers. "I think I know how."

             * * *

"Just climb down, Jack! Don't be a pussy." Tommy whisper-shouted. Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo were already outside.

"I don't think this is safe." Jack replied. "They're just beddings tied together. What if I fall?"

The 3 of them shrugged.

Jack looked at them in bewilderment.

"Just hurry up." Tubbo complained.

Jack rolled his eyes and proceed to climb down.

"Alright! Let's go, bitches." The 4 of them sprinted into the woods. Then Tommy stopped abruptly.

"We lost track of them."

"Oh yeah."

"We should find light. There's no way they're in the dark." Ranboo suggested.

"What are we waiting for?"

             * * *

"So, the 3 of you," Dream pointed at Wilbur, Eret, and Quackity. "Lead the way."

"Okay, this is embarrassing, but I forgot where it is." Wilbur decrescendoed.

Everyone in the shed were all disappointed.

"See, he's lying." A6d huffed.

"He's not lying. We saw as well." Eret defended. "Yeah, shut up." Quackity said with a terrible french accent.

"I still can remember some stuff though." Wilbur said. "Kinda blurry. But still manageable."

"Why don't we roleplay?" Quackity suggested.


"Y'know, we act out what we did last night."

"Aah, good idea, Big Q."

So while trying to recover all the patches in their memory, they act it out as the others looked at them confusingly.

"-and! And! We went over... Here." Wilbur pointed to the left side.

"Isn't it the right side?" Eret doubted.

Both of them started bickering.

"Ey, ey, ey man. No need to fight around, man. Because you 2 are fucking wrong. We kept walking straight until we saw a tall ass bush. Then we head left." Quackity said.

"Oh yeah." Eret and Wilbur chorused.

The group once again sighed.

             * * *

"Tubbo! Look! I think I saw light." Tommy grinned. The 4 of them rushed and surely, in front of them, is a cut down bush.

In front of them is a pathway.

Old lamp posts decorate the sides of the path. Emitting a lovely, yellowish glow.


The 4 students walked to the path. Each of them soaked in the beautiful scenery. Fireflies flew around them.

"It's so pretty." Tubbo exhaled.

"Feels like walking in a dream." Ranboo beamed.

"This is fucking poggers." Tommy giggled as a firefly flew near him.

"I wonder where this leads us to." Jack pondered out loud.

"Probably a flower field. And the fireflies gives you light. The flowers are all slightly illuminating. And we just sit there until sunrise." Tubbo gushed.

"Ooh, that sounds so pleasant." Ranboo nodded.

"Or maybe a-"

"Tommy?" A significantly similar voice rang out.

Tommy looked back. The others followed him.


"What the fuck." They said at the same time.

"Tommy, you fucking owe us 20 bucks."

Words: 890

My 1k words streak broke, lmao.

I'm recovering from my burnt out state. That's why it took me like a fucking month to update. (Which I'm grateful to have such patient readers)

And chapter 13 is when the very main plot starts.

So, stay tuned, people.

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