[Chapter 12]

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^Lmao, this is what i've been watching instead of writing. There's another video by the same person about the ten duel commandments with mcyt. Go watch it, it's hilarious.

"Where have you been?!" Dream scolded. Eret, Wilbur, and Quackity avoid eye contact with the 'leader'.

"We've been looking for you guys for almost an hour. You better give me a reason why you disappear." He crossed his arms, indicating he's mad and annoyed.

"We got lost and found something interesting." Wilbur answered.

"Interesting as in?" Dream's previous stance faltered. He tilted his head in curiosity.

"We'll tell you the story. But all of you have believe us and keep it secret."

Then the 3 boys took turns telling their little adventure to the rest. They didn't miss a single detail and explained it very clearly.

"-and that's why we took so long." Eret finished.

"I don't know why, but it sounds made up." A6d's voice piped up. All eyes fell on him. Some of them are agreeing with A6d.

"I guarantee this is real, and no, we didn't do drugs or eat weird mushrooms." Wilbur insisted.

"Then, how about you bring us there?" Bad suggested.

There are murmurs of agreement.


             * * *

"Hey Tommy, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Shut up, Ranboob-"

"It's Ranboo."

"-this is an excellent idea."

Tommy and Ranboo is currently in their room with Tubbo and Jack sleeping. Both the boys are holding cold water bottles. Tommy beside Jack, and Ranboo beside Tubbo.

"On the count of 3, we dump these on their faces." Tommy said ecstatically.

Ranboo could only nod, since he's the first one to mention about this idea. He was joking, alright.

"1, 2, 3-" A hand shot up and gripped Ranboo's hand. He shrieked and accidentally drop the bottle right on Tubbo's face.

Tommy was oblivious and poured the water.

Tubbo sputtered through the water and the bottle, as Ranboo sat on the floor trying to calm himself.

"Oi, ya cock!" Jack screeched. Tommy doubled over from his laughter.

It's a very chaotic sight.

"It's like 4 a.m.! Why?!" Jack scowled at Tommy and Ranboo. "It's the lamp post's idea." Tommy threw Ranboo right under the bus.

"I was joking! By the way, Tommy is the one who filled the bottles, and I think I saw him went to the bathroom." Ranboo smirked.

The expression on Jack and Tubbo was priceless.

Tommy widen his eyes, because that was a blatant lie. Although, now that Ranboo mentioned, that's a good idea.

Ranboo glared at Tommy, as if saying: "yeah bitch, you're going down with me."

"You 2 better start praying that hell or heaven lets you in." Tubbo smiled.

Tommy and Ranboo ran for their life.

             * * *

Tommy met his brothers in the cafeteria, having breakfast with their friends.

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