[Chapter 11]

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^^^even a frog can have cheeks. Damn. But why does it look so dang crusty? Fam needs moisturizer.

Anyhow, imma fuck it.

No, not the frog.

My new story will be Dreamnoblade. I just hope y'all want to read it.

This story will be more focused on the plotline rather than the romance.

And I already wrote a few chapter.  Yeah that's the reason I suddenly stopped for a while. But now I'm back.

Okay, enough talking. Here is chapter 11:

The days of hellish exams has finally left them alone. To be honest, the brothers think their scores won't be pretty. But hey, at least they tried their best.

After exams, they'll be having a break for 2 weeks. And usually the students will go back to their own homes and and bond with their family.

"What do you mean we can't go home?" Wilbur threw his hands up frustratedly.

"Yeah, our parents can only visit us, that is with limited time." Fundy shrugged in defeat.

"This is rigged." Tommy said loudly. "Fucked, I say." He said that more quietly.

The friends are hanging out in Wilbur's room. Lounging and sitting around, while complaining about the school's terrible and awful system.

In the mid of them whining, there are knockings from the other side of the door.

"Excuse me." A boy came in. He has a warm smile on his face and some papers in his hands.

That's Badboyhalo. Usually goes by Bad. The son of the principal. He's one of the head students of this very school.

Very much looked up by other people. Though, there's a side most student don't know and don't need to know.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation, but I'm here to give out the schedule for the next few days." Bad handed out a paper each for them.

There's a chorus of thank you and the head boy left.

"Schedule for what?"

"The parent visiting thing."

"Each parent only have 3 hours to spent with their children. And you can't extend the time no matter what."

"What if we have home sickness?"

"Not tolerable." Dream shrugged.

"We usually deal it with ourselves. The school always say: 'if you're home sick, just tell one of the matron. They'll cheer you up.' That's just bullshit." He huffed.

"How awful." Wilbur shook his head.  

They continue dissing out as they walk to the cafeteria together and eating dinner.

"Wanna know what the matron did when I went up to one?" Dream said with a mouth full of food.

"Swallow first." George hit the back of Dream's head.

"What?" Techno rested his head on his hand.

"She just gave me a fucking glass of warm milk and hugged me. It's not even a good hug!" Dream threw his utensils down.

There's a lot of tutting and head shaking.

"That's a 0 out of 10 service if you ask me." Wilbur commented.

"Even I wouldn't recommend that to my enemy." Ranboo added.

The girls were watching at them and giggling.

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