~a flower~

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•Technoblade Pov•
Third Person

Everyone has a soul mate, that much is obvious, even the blood god himself, you might be wondering though, how does one tell your there soul mate? Well other than the name on your arm its also accompanied by a flower or plant, most are alive and seem healthy or just a little bit droopy, but people often pity those who's flowers where dead or those that where wilting away

Techno hadn't cared about soul mates all his life, focusing more on training and becoming a her all of his life, there where times in missions where death had brushed against him, and its times like when he was isolated and couldn't go anywhere due to him healing which made him wonder how his soul mate felt when the flower began wilting before it sprung back to life, the flower in question being a rose, half blood red while the other was plain white

But he shook those thoughts of his soul mate off once he was all healed up and continued going on missions...

That was until the opposite happened...

Techno didn't notice this at first but when his berothers had to patch him up when his arm was nearly blown off by a creeper they noticed it, Wil paused as he looked at his arm shocked "Tech, i had no idea" Wilbur said as he turned to Tommy who also looked at his arm quite surprised "what are you talking about?" Techno asked as he looked at his arm, the rose was drooped, slowly wilting away with one petal even being gone

Techno felt his breath hitch as he stared at his arm, he felt his heart sting abit as he as Wilbur soon covered it with the bandages "im sure its fine" Tommy said shrugging as he glanced at his wrist to make sure that his soulmate wasn't also goj gthrough the same thing, but nope, the sunflower was still the same

"Yeah....I guess" Tech said as he stared at his arm before they continued there mission..


It hae, infact, not get better or even close, Techno even thinks in might have gotten worse as he sat at the table while his dad/Philza watched him before Phil snapped his fingers "why don't you try seeing them?" Phil suggested and Techno looked up at him "how would I even find him?" Techno asked, that question had singe handedly stopped there conversation as Phil stood there in thought before Techno decided to break the silence with a question

"How did you meet mom?" Techno asked as Philza seemed surprised before he thought for abit "we met on accident really, at the festival, but we just had this feeling, it was almost like we where drawn to the other" Phil said smiling at the memory as Techno's eyes moved towards his covered up shoulder where the now basically dead Lilly was

"Do you think I would be able to meet my soulmate?" Techno asked as he sighed "ofcourse! Things like these take time!" Phila said as he walked up to Technoblade and rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort his son "im sure everything will work out in the end!"


Firework festival

Thats all the things that ran through Techno's mind, they where held every year but for some reason Techno felt something different for this time, something was off, drawing him closer and closer to it before he just decided to attend it

He wakked around the streets letting this leading take him as he walked out of the villages perimeter and at the edge pf the forest, Techno felt the connection snap as he stood there, confused, before he just shook his head and sighed, ofcourse there was no way he would actually meet his soulmate, he sat down next to a tree as he leaned against it and watched the festival from afar

A strong gust of wind blew through as Techno was glad he brought his red furry cape with him, but then he heard coughing from the other side of the tree, Techno's eyes widened as he sat up and looked at the other side

Sadly though, a leaf had crunched beneath him catching the other attention, they stared at eachother surprised as the feeling in there chests where nearly suffocating, the fireworks went off, it illuminated the sky and illuminated there faces as Techno looked into glowing white eyes that reflected all the pretty colors making it seem almost as if the eyes themselves where sparkling

"Its you" they both said in disbelief before a grin showed itself on both of there faces "its actually you" the person said before he was tackled in a hug, the force of it made them both tumble abit as they laughed, Techno has his grip on the persons back while they wrapped there arms around Techno's neck

The two of them layed there for abit before Techno decoded to break the silence "im Technoblade" Tech said "im Badboyhalo, but you could just call me Bad" Bad said and Techno nodded, Bad Burried his face in Techno's chest as he let out a sighe "i can't believe its actually you" Bad said and Techno smiled "me neither" he sighed being very much content about his situation

But then a thought crossed his mind....

"What happened to you a few days ago?" Techno said as he gestured to his arm where the flower was "it was wilting"' he said as Bad scratched the back of his head akwardly "I just got abit sick" Bad said nervously as Techno nodded "'alright...."Techno said making sure to take a mental note to ask Bad tha actual reason later


Bad relaxed once he realized that Techno wouldn't be asking any more questions about why the flower was wilting, he wasn't planning on telling his soulmate about the past few days where he was in nothing but  downwards spiral, shedding both blood and tears for weeks

He wasn't gonna tell his soulmate that he had brought a knife with him for 8ne purpose only, he wanted to watch one of the few things that gave him joy one last time before he had to bid the world around him farewell, but luckily he met Techno before he even got the chance to take out his knife....

It was okay now tho....

He had his soulmate.....

He wasn't alone anymore....

He was safe....

Its all going to be fine....


(Yeah idk what this is, damn I need more techhalo fanfiction, can u guys pls update ur stories or make books?? I wanna make sure I don't fall out of the fandom)

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