~protect him~

644 41 63

( Requested by: Bnhastories2437)

•Badboyhalo Pov•
Third Person

Punches where swung towards the demon a she fell over, blood spilled on the floor as the demon clutched the side of his cheek, afew cuts littered his body as the boys above continued to laugh some even continuing to continuously kick him leaving behind purple bruises on the dark skin

Bad curled in on himself resisting the urge to scream when someone continuously began to stomp on his poor limp tail, a few cracking sounds could be heard as a male bent over and began punching the poor demon holding his hood to keep him from falling over

"Demon fag" the bully hissed as he continued to hit him, at this point Bad was used to this, getting beaten for something he couldn't really change, he felt wet tears stream down his face as the bully decided to fully grab his hood and began banging his head against the wall saying how much better things would be if he didn't exist

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing!?" A voice called from the hallway causing the bullied to freeze

They all turned to meet the menacing crimson eyes of what many people considered to be the popular kid who was just behind Dream, they froze and immediately ran not wanting to deal with him, especially knowing how the male was whenever there was PE or the rumors that floated around him

Bad froze, his legs where numb and he was shaking, Technoblade stared at him for abit befpre he slowly began walking to the other, Bad immediately began to move back his breath hitching as he found himslef cornered by the lockers, he mustered all his strength to close his eyes and bring his arms up to cover his face already anticipating a beating from who many refer to be the most strongest person there is in there highschool

To his surprise though, the beating didn't come

He found himself slowly lowering his arms as he looked up at the scarred hand that was held put to him, Bad looked at the pink haired male skeptically before taking his hand, he winced when the other boy helped him up on his very much wobbly feet

Technoblade was kind of surprised to see how tall the demon actually was-

"Th-thankyou" Bad said as he used on of his hands to lean against the wall, Technoblade looked him up and down before finally concluding something "you can't walk, i can carry you to the nurse" Techno offered and the demon instantly vegna to shake his head "no!no! Its okay, I can just walk it off"

Bad said letting go of the others hand, trying to take a confident step forward but immediately felt his legs give out beneath him, he nearly fell but was luckily caught by Technoblade who rolled his eyes but a small playful smirk also played on his lips "yeah, sure you can" he said as he easily scooped the demon up in his arms

Bad yepled as he wrapped his arms around the shorter males neck in surprise, Technoblade simply began walking down the corridor, sadly classes only ended about 5 or so minutes ago so many classmates where still there

Girls where justa but ready to throw themselves on the Technoblade but where caught off guard by the demon was was being carried by this highschools popular kid, Bad half wished that his best friend Dream would be here so he didn't just have to die from embarrassment but knowing the green male he woukd have probably cause a fight with Techno instead, plus Dream always left early so he wouldn't have to deal with his fans (which left Bad very vulnerable)

Bad burried his face in the pink haired males shoulder, he whimpered slightly not liking all the attention his was getting, Techno chuckled abit his grip on the demon tightening slightly as he glared at afew of the girls that where known for spreading rumors "you'll get used to it" he muttered as he walked into the nurses office


"Alright, you dad should be right over" nurse Puffy said as she patted the poor demons back, Puffy was like the mom he never had and Bad was just glad to have her around "thankyou for bringing him here Technoblade" he said looking at the pink haired male who shrugged "no problem"

Puffy looked down at her phone that was now ringing and was no doubt from Bad's father "im gonna go take this" Puffy said as she wlaked put of the office

Both boys stayed htere in silence, Bad leaned abit against the bed as he looked at Technoblade "thankyou for that by the way" he said, Technoblade rolled his eyes "no problem, I just saw Dream leave with his 3 other friends and realised that you wherent there" Technoblade said simply

Bad laughed abit "yeah, Dream,George,Ant and Sapnap leave pretty early" Bad said Technoblade hummed as he thought for abit "hey, you never told me your name" "oh right! Im B-"

The demon was sadly cut off when a his dad busted through the door startling both of them, his fathers beanie was barely clinging to his head almost like he put it on in a rush, he was also still wearing his suit, most likely since he just got home

Quackity quickly made his way to Bad ignoring Technoblade completely as he looked over the bandaged around his suns arm and head "dad-" "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO MY BABY BOY!?" Quackity hissed angrily as he held Bad close "i will fucking kill them" Quackity seathed still holding his son protectively

Bad wanted to language his father and pull out the swear jar they had at home but seeing his fathers state it probably wasn't the best thing to do

Puffy soon walked in leaninf on the door frame as Quackity pulled away "can you walk?" Quackity asked, Bad hesitated before he shook his head, Quackity nodded a he scooped his son up holding the demon close to his chest biting his lip to contain another worried and angry shout as he saw his tail that was also wrapped up heavily

"Thankyou for the help miss Puffy" Quackity sighed and Puffy nodded "its no problem, im just glad that Technoblade brought him to me in time" Puffy said gesturing to the pink male behind him, Quackity turned and saw Technoblade who akwardly waved "oh- well thankyou for helping my son" Quackity said already slightly calming down

Techno nodded "its no problem, and uhhh Bad?" Techno asked as Bad looked up from his fathers chest at Technoblade "hmmm?" He hummed out "next time after school when Dream leaves just stay with me, I'll make sure to scare those nerds off" Technoblade said and Bad smiled before nodding

Soon Bad and Quackity left with Quackity basically glaring at all the students that where silently gkaring at the demon, Technoblade sighed as he also turned to leave "that was really sweet of you Mr,Blade" Puffy said smiling

Technoblade rolled his eyes ignoring his face that was flushed with embarrassment "whatever" he was about to leave before Puffy stopped him "and your brother is in the detention for nearly burning down the storage closet" Puffy said and Technoblade groaned

Goddammit Tommy

(Yes, finally, a chapter with 1k+ words)

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