~tale as old as time~

610 40 35

•No one Pov• (I don't fking know what this is, just deal with it)
Third Person

Legend says that once upon a time in a castle far,far away a prince had been cursed by a witch fot not granting any passage into there castle, the royal family where turned into beasts while the servants where turned into inanimate objects, the witch had said that they would stay like that forever until he would learn to love again

The king had been turned into a griffin that spent most of his time on the highest points in the castle while his brother Wilbur had been turned into a ghost that watched over the servants and entertain them, Tommy had been turned into a griffon aswell but would more often than not cause a ruckus in the castle with the youngest brother Tubbo who was a goat

But the prince himself had been turned into a pig, his brown hair turning pink as his skin took on the color pink aswell, yellow eyes turning crimson red and his legs transforming into hooves as his hands turned into sharp claws, tusks protruded from his mouth as he spent most of his time locked away in his room or coming with king Philza to go hunting

They had all acceptable that this would be there new life, until the griffin and the pig had found a boy who had been cornered by wolves with a stone sword laying limply beside him as he was almost torn open by one if it wasn't for the prince who had stepped in and tackled the wolves, both the griffin and the boy watched in shock before the griffin had stepped in to help the prince and soon enough the wolves began fleeing

They both turned and saw the boy was passed out on the snowy ground, and was bleeding heavily, the griffin watched with new found hope when he saw the prince carefully scoop up thr boy and head back towards the castle with the griffin going ahead and immediately telling everyone about the great news

The boy had woken up looking around frantically for his glasses before a voice told him to check the desk, he did and found his glasses which he gladly put on, but the moment his vision was less blurry he nearly screamed at the sight of a innanimate objects moving around, a clock with a smile painted on it made it sway towards hima nd tried to assure him as he began to hyperventilate

Soon they had explained everything to the boy, the curse and who was who before the boy had calmed down and introduced himself, everyone seemed excited as the door opened and a goat peaked inside to look at him curiously "this is him?" The goat, which was prince Tubbo asked and the inanimate objects nodded, he looked at Bad up and down before leaving the room

After awhile of just talking to Inanimate objects it was time for dinner as be followed three inanimate objects down, a clock called dream, a teapot called captain puffy and a candle called George

The dinner was slightly akward with the griffin being very much excited and puffing up his feathers every now and then, the goat not wanting to make eye contact, the ghost just staring at him and the other more smaller griffin being the only one trying to talk to him to make conversion, but the worst was definitely the prince, just staring at him the whole dinner, it was very unnerving especially since he couldn't run or even walk properly with his injuries as the feeling of being someone's prey settled in

After dinner Bad was about to walk to his room before suddenly a ghost emerged from the wall and with Bad letting out a shout of surprise and groaning in pain as he fell thebghost asked if he could possibly go to the library where the prince was and assured him that he was nice

After Bad had gotten up he hesitantly limped towards the library where the prince was, he was however abit sidetracked when he saw the books and ended up just reading while the pince his behind the shelves or on the shadows and watched him, this went on for abit before Bad had nearly fallen why the sheer amount of books he had picked up, The prince stepped in once more and was able to catch them before any of them had fallen, they talked for abit before they began sharing interests and etc

They walked out and ended up just sitting by the garden and talking staring into the very much frozen lake, the sun soon began to set and Bad had fallen asleep on prince Techno's shoulder (they shared names) he didn't want to move in fear of disturbing the cute boy but once it began to get colder he didn't really have a choice as he gently scooped him up and brought him to his room

They bonded for the course of a few months and soon Bad's injuries where all healed, he nearly left if it wherent for the fact that the prince had managed to catch up to him

Techno confessed his feelings for Bad who couldn't help but turn red from that, they where both very hesitant but decided to give it a try, Bad decided to stay for abit longer as the two of them talked and danced just enjoying eachothers company befpre they sealed he night off with a kiss

And just like that everybody had been turned to normal, except for the prince...

Well not entirely, his body in general was normal but he still had crimson eyes and the cherry pink hair which confused just about everyone, but in Techno's eyes this broke him cause to him he was still a beast

So he ran

He cooped himself up in his room as Bad went to go after him, Puffy was also about to go after them but was stopped by Dream, once Bad had managed to Basically break into Techno's room through a window he nearly fell out of he went inside the surprisingly tidy room to find his prince curled up on his bed, Bad walked over and engulfed Techno in a hug as they both just sat there

"I'm still a monster" Techno said as Bad shook his head and looked up at him "no your not" Bad said and Techno looked down at him "Bad...look at me" Techno said sternly as Bad looked up and gazed into sharp crimson eyes "look at me in the eyes and say that I'm not a monster" Techno said his breath getting caught in his throat as Bad saw the hint of sadness in those crimson eyes

Bad starsd before he smiled and put his hand under Techno's chin "your not a monster" Bad said simply before pulling the prince in for another kiss, after quite abit they both pulled away for air as green eyes met red and they both smiled

"Now come on, I bet the others are worried about us"

(i....i don't know what this was, i got bored, I regret writing it, but im to lazy to make another techhalo chapter soooo)

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