~the one important thing~

509 40 43

•No one Pov•
Third Person

Techno glared up at the man with the smiley mask as he tugged against his restraints, his eyes looked scanning the other smp members who where also chained up and forced to watch as Dream pulled put some of there most treasured possessions, Techno was feeling abit smug, he didn't really have anything important to him that could possibly be in Dreams hands considering the fact that he his everything away

But as he saw Dream fiddle with a few chains and unlock Bad he felt hisbheart drop

Everyone watched in shock as Dream grabbed Bad by his horns basically dragging him to where he had either had there most valuable possessions, Dream was smirking under his mask as he watched everyone stare in shock

"I know you know who you are" Dream said looking at the chained members as he tightened his grip on Bad making him wince slightly "you really think you can hide your most precious possessions from me?" Dream asked to no one in particular "i know you and your relationship with this demon" Dream said as he took out his axe

"Why don't we find out who you are?"

Dream raised the axe high as he kicked Bad down onto the floor, he nearly brought it down but smirked when he heard the chains rustle violently, the sound cause him to stop as he looked to the side seeing Techno tug against the chains violently, he shot a sharp glare at the other as he gritted his teeth

"Don't" he said glaring dangerously at the other man who just smirked

"Bingo" Dream said putting his axe beside him, he stepped on the demons head to make sure he didn't manage to slip away as he turned his attention to the piglin hybrid "tell me Techno, whats your relationship with this demon?" Dream asked thoroughly enjoying messing with the apparent "blood god"

Techno didn't know how to respond as he just looked at Dream, Dream hummed as he picked up his axe again making it hover over the demon's neck, this immediately broke Techno out of his trance as he fiddled with his hands mumbling out curses before he threw a ring at Dream who caught it with ease, Dream himself seemed abit shocked along with everyone else int he smp before he quickly recovered shoving down the hint of guilt in his chest

The axe still hovered over Bad's neck as Dream hummed examining the ring before he threw it back at Technoblade letting it roll to his feet

"Interesting" Dream said looking at Bad then at Technoblade, his mind worked on what to do quickly as he smiled to himself, he grabbed held the demon down on his front his hands tracing over the dark wings on his back as he smirked

He looked over at Techno who stared in horror as he watched his fiance pinned to the ground with an axe currently tracing over his wings "i know you of all people would most likely be there to betray me" Dream hummed looking down at Bad as he placed the ace on the others wings causing a small chill to go up the demons spine as cold metal made contact with the feathery wings

"So why not show you what would happen if you did" Dream said smirking at the look of horror that washed oevr everyone's faces

He quickly raised his axe enjoying the shouts of Technoblade as he tugged violently against the chains trying to rip himself free no caring about the possible injuries he woukd sustain, Dream pushed the axe down enjoying the cries of pain as blood splattered on the floor, the wings flared up violently flapping erratically

He stepped on them making sure to keep them down as he continued to chop away before the two appendages fell to the floor limply, he smirked as he got off the demon lookung over at the others

Everyone was shocked, some looked like they wanted to puke while others looked like they wanted to pass put, but most sent sharp hate filled glares at Dream, Especially Technoblade, oh how angry Technoblade looked

His cherry pink hair had broken free from the braid leaving pink strands sticking all over the place as red eyes peared behind the strands making there pure hatred for the green man very known, Dream laughed abit as he grabbed the stump on Bad's back causing the demon to let out a sharp pained yelp as he was tugged back into a sitting position

"Well im sure you will know how to behave after this" Dream said as he put the chains back on Bad dragging the limp and weak demon to the others, the demonw as instantly smothered as others tried to stop the constant bleeding, Skeppy held the demon close but looked away not wanting to see what was left of his wings

Dream smiled as he picked up the ring knowing he was getting way to close to the stilk hybrid "betray me, hide, or try to run and I'll make sure I do more than just that" Dream spat looking down at the hybrid who looked up at him, his hate filled gaze still managed to cause a small chill to crawl up the others spine

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" Techno snapped his words dripping with venom as his hands gripped onto the chains that where now slightly cracked, he would have to replace those later

Dream smirked "Goodluck" he said as he turned to leave closing the door behind him, everyone was in silence as Puffy wrapped the demons wounds with some cloth she had ripped off her clothes, Techno looked over to the demon his gaze softening as he weakly walked over aware of everyone giving him a weird look

He plopped down beside Bad,Puffy and Skeppy seemingly exhausted as he looked down at the demon, the voices screamed at him to break free of those chains and murder the masked man while others shouted at him to help his lover out

Instead he reached out to Bad basically making grabby hands, Skeppy and Puffy looked at eachother skeptically before they silently and carefully placed Bad in Technoblades arms watching in shock and relief as Techno immediately wrapped his arms tightly around the demon in a hug burrying his face in the demons shoulder

The voices

They where so loud

One of the main reasons he had fallen for the other was his ability to silence them and make all seemingly in harmony as most chanted about how much they really liked or even loved the demon as they sank into the covers and cuddled

He felt his body shake as he held the demon closer whimpering softly as the voice continued to screech at him to take action,everyone stared in shock as they saw wet tears go down the hybrids cheeks

They where even more surprised at the sobs that racked the hybrids body moments later as he begged for the demon to to help him stop the loud voices in his head...

(This took less time then I thought it would ngl-)

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