more headcannons!

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(This is for when both Bad and Techno didn't implode!)

- Daniel prefers to train with his dad

- Daniel gets bored when Bad is training him cause he keeps on explaining things

- Techno eats most of Bad's muffins

- Daniel goes into a village at times to just buy a few things

- Bad and Techno where together for years before decided that they do infact really want a baby

- Since males having children is just impossible Bad had to go through an extremely painful process in order to have a baby in a specific window of time

- Bad doesn't regret it, but he swears to never do it again

- Techno often did his best to comfort Bad and make him comfortable when he was in pain

- Techno was very worried cause Bad could've actually died

- Bad often comforts Techno when he has nightmares if he lost Bad

- individuals want to kill Bad and Daniel since there "sin"

- Techno often does what he can to protect both Bad and Daniel

- Bad newrly died during the birth

- Daniel was almost killed when someone found out he had 2 males as parents

- Bad is actually a rare species so its quite normal to see his species change there forms in order to carry on there bloodline

- His species was slaughtered cause of the fking homophobic Karen's

- Tech and Bad didn't wanna take the risk of Daniel possibly being murdered so they lived abit far away from civilization

- there friends support them (this can change if u want it to)

- Bad's species don't really age, but they do get weaker and weaker until they could barely move, so starvation normally sets in to finish them off

(Ok, here's just a few things that I made up for this au??? Idk if I shoukd call it that but whateverrrr)

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