~something familiar~

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•Technoblade Pov•
First Person

I sat down log as I watched the marshmallow change color before I pulled away when it was at its perfect golden brown state, I pulled it out of the fire before popping it into my mouth, I grabbed another one and put it on the stick as i repeated the process, I turned towards my friends and brothers who where talking,drinking and maybe even flirting but where away from where the tents where set up since some of them had actually decided to call it a night

I honestly have no idea why I agreed to this camping trip, they said that they found this weird thing in the middle of the forest, and by they I mean Dream, who had decided to why not just bring all of us along? When we checked it out there wasn't really ro much except this weird flag that was made out of wool instead of silk which semed to suggest how old the thing was

Nothing much happened other than Sapnap basically tumbling down and had scratches all over him, Tommy also ended up tripping and twisted his ankle

But other than that the night was pretty boring, they found this hole in the ground, and a few of us said they felt somewhat drawn to it but w ultimately decided to not go down since we had no way of getting out, one even said he thought he heard whispers

"Ummmm...your marshmallow" i was pulled put of my thoughts as I looked to my right to see the owner of the voice, a male with pale skin,green emerald eyes that where shielded by his glasses and soft brown hair stood there akwardly as they pointed at the Marshmallow, i was confused as i turned back only to find the thing on fire, I immediately take it out but it was sadly to late and it was nothing but black goo as it dripped down the stick

I sighed and simply shook it off as the person sat beside me getting his own stick before he stabbed a marshmallows on it "im Darryl by the way" he said looking to me as i nodded "im Dave" I said as a gust of wind blew through making me have to fix my pink hair, Darryl hummed as we watched out marshmallows roast

Then a thought popped in my head

"Hey, your Zak's friend right?" I asked and he nodded also taking his eyes off his Marshmallow "yep" he said smiling and I couldn't help but give a small smile back as i turned back to my Marshmallow before it reached the golden brown state as I pulled it out of the fire "what brings you here to the camp?" I asked as Darryl pulled out his Marshmallow that caught on fire before it was basically just fully black as he pouted and shook it off the stick "Dream called me saying that he found this weird sinkhole and we would be camping" Darryl said looking sadly down at his Marshmallow

I hesitated before i handed him my stuck that had the golden brown Marshmallow on it "here" i said and he shook his head "no! Its fine" he said shaking his head, i stared for abit before i carefully took the Marshmallow off the stick and basically popped it in his mouth

He was surprised before he gave a small defeated look beforr he ate it

"You didn't have to do that" he said and i shrugged "i wanted to" i said and he pouted befpre crossing his arms "whatever you muffin head" he said and i chuckled "im a muffin head now?" I asked feeling some heat on my cheeks as he stuck his tongue out at me "yes" he said matter of factly making me laugh even more

I looked up at the moon then to our friends who where now very much drunk with most of them already heading to there tents for the night "alright....well imma call you.....Halo" I said and he looked at me confused "why Halo?" He asked making me shrug and scratch the back of my neck nervously " I dont know" I said as we both looked up towards the moon and I felt us inching closer to eachother before he was practically leaning on my shoulder "feels right" i said as he snuggled into his black and red jacket and I snuggled into my red jacket letting the nech fluff tickle my neck as I rested my head on his


Techno and Bad gazed down at the red vines that where now laying dormant and where slowly getting destroyed as Bad leaned against his pink haired lover "....honestly...if there was a possibility of us being together without any of this-" Bad gestured to the blood vines "-happening i would do it" he said and Techno nodded putting his arm over Bad's shoulder "same" Techno said playing around with the demons hair

"....if reincarnation was a thing...would you still want to be with me? If you had another chance to be with someone else" Bad said looking away as Techno pulled Bad into his lap "ofcourse, I would love to spend a whole other life with you if I could" Techno said as he put Bad's hand in his own now getting more and more aware of the blue flames that surrounded and covered the whole smp as the vines crumbled after turning into stone

"A life where we could settle down and have as much dogs as you wanted" Techno said and Bad let out a choked laugh as he turned and pressed his forhead against Techno's "that woukd be nice" Bad said as the two of them shared one final kiss feeling the heat around them as the flames closed it

" i love you, you muffin head" Bad sajd giggling abit "i love you to my little halo"

(Heyyyy, reincarnation au cause why tf not?!)

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