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•Technoblade Pov•
Third Person

Technoblade layed in bed not wanting to get up, it had been nearly 3 months since the egg had been destroyed and had nearly been 3 months since its greatest followers sacrificed themselves for it to fall, everyone in the smp was still seemingly in shock at Ant and Bad's death, a funeral was held that was surprisingly grim

After thay had managed to break everyone out of the eggs control and went into battle to destrly it Tecnno remembered the vines had shot around piercing a few people such as Skeppy,Sam and Tommy but luckily those wherent to fatal and where easily healed with a healing potion, he remember when they heard an animalistic roar as the vines seemingly grew bigger and shot all around the room with the soul intent to kill, he remembered feeling blood hit against his shield as he l looked and saw Ant who had one that went through his whole body as he went limp and fell to the ground

Techno remembered sucking in a breath as everyone stared in shock at there dead friend before they went on with a new determined to destroy the egg, and they where close, they where SO close

If only he hadn't slipped...

He felt something swoop under his leg as he fell over, before he could even comprehend what was happening he felt something warm hit his face as he looked up and saw no one other than Bad standing over with a vine that had managed to break his sheild and had pierced straight through him

(Accidentally began writing in first person here-)

Bad fell to the ground and in my arms as I caught him, I remember hearing everyone gaps and there looks of shock and pain as they saw there best friend fall into my arms, i remember not being able to breathe as his blood soaked through my armor, then I remember feeling a sudden rush of anger as I carefully put him down before taking out my axe

Then I woke up...

If only it was  dream, but when I saw the injuries me and everyone else had i very mh knew it wasn't....

It really sucked, especially when I began remembering all the times when I would find me and him sneaking out to talk and to get away from things, before the egg, it was just the two of us cuddling and watching the stars while we slowly fall asleep in eachothers embrace, when we confessed to eachother about our feelings and even our first kiss, but that was all before that damned egg

Now Bad is gone....my poor,sweet and kind angel.....is dead

I felt my breath catch in my throat as i curled into myself basically sinking in my bed, my angel, the ligh to my life was gone...and I wouldn't be able to see him again, I felt tears prick my eyes as I silently cried in my dark room that I haven't left in days

I dont think I'll go out today...

Maybe tommorow...

(Sorry for the short chapters omg-)

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