Chapter 4 - Every reason

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"My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake."



Naruto POV

I hid in the lockerroom and still almost died because of emberrassment. I paced around in the lockerroom and found Sasuke on a bench. I couldn't bear this burden of being the responsible of all this so I decided to apoligize. "Hey Sasuke, I'm sorry. I just got tired of your complaining so I kinda just had to some up with an idea to stop it." I rubbed the back of my head akwardly as I explained to him. He just starred coldly at me. "Look, I'm sorry if I ruined your reputation, but don't complain so much next time." I started to walk of before I was stopped by Sasuke. "Naruto." He didn't look at me, but he seemed annoyed. "Your behavior is way off for a normal 16-year old guy" I gulped, he figured it out? "So, I'm asking you to tell me why." He finished and looked me in the eyes. I didn't have much of a choice. I gave in and sat down on the bench.

"You see, I came here because I was bullied in my other schools. I've transferred alot in my life because of physical bully." I took a deep breath and continued. "I never had a friend once, not even one. So when I got here and you made the first move to talk to me, it seemed like I could be really good friends with you. And that made me a little happier. I just wanted a friend, that's all. and I really don't know how to behave infront of people I like, so maybe I went a little too far or maybe I didn't do shit. Because I don't know." My voice cracked a little bit at the end and I struggled with my brain to not think of the horrible moments in my life.

Sasuke POV

He went through so much as physical bully? He never had a friend, not even once? That kinda explains why he behaves so wierd infront of new people. He sat there staring at the wall and I figured that he must have been thinking about the horrible moments in his life. I really didn't know what to do, so I just laid my hand on his shoulder, which caught his attention. He stared at me, I smiled a little and he blushed. "I don't know anything about the blushing-thingy though, he added, which made me burst out in laughter. "Hey, what's so funny?" He was annoyed and probably a little angry at me for bursting out in laughter after hearing something like this. "I'm sorry, it's just you're so cute when you blush-" I stopped myself. What the hell did I just say?!

He stared at me, dumbfonded. "W-what?" he asked after a little while. I was speechless. How could I say something like that?! Did I even mean it? No, that is not even possible! I mean, he is cute, but not in that way, or... I don't know!

"Uuh, no nothing..." I managed to say. We heard a knock on the door and figured it was probably Guy-sensei. "We're coming!" The knocking stopped and I stood up. "We should get back, or else we'll get into some deep trouble" I didn't make any eyecontact, yes, I was nervous. The Great Uchiha was nervous! So what? "Y-yeah" he said weakly and stood up before leaving the lockerroom before me. Great, Now I have to do strength-exercises with him too!

We had to do Push-Ups with each other on the back. Luckily he wasn't that heavy, in fact he wasn't heavy at all.  He on the other hand had some trouble with me on his back, but he managed to make all the 30 Push-Ups. We also had to du sit-ups on each others back, but we made it though if wasn't easy. Gym class finally ended and we all could go home for the day. Naruto was really quick with the showering and went home before anyone else. I quickly chaged too, because yes, I wanted to walk home with him. I quickly ran after him and quickly caught up with him.

"Where do you live?" I asked without looking at him. "Um... about 20 minutes from here, why?" I could tell he was blushing. "Nothing, I just wanted to keep you company! I said with a little smile, and smiled a little too. "Okay, sure" Now he was smiling for real. That wide smile made him even cuter than he already was! This is going to be a long year...

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