Chapter 9 - A Promise To Love

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"Are you coming or not?" When it came to Ramen I didn't have any patience at all. He laughed and then we finally made out way to the nearest Ramen shop, wich was my favorite.


Sasuke POV

Naruto ate three whole bowls with Ramen, and I was super full with only one. "That was so good! Thanks Sasuke!" There he goes again with his bright smile, and I can't help but smile back when he does that. "Anything for you, Tenshi" His eyes widened at the nickname and his head turned, due to being a tomato.He cleared his throat. " Well, we should be heading home now, it's getting a bit dark" he rose from his chair and walked to the entrance. I quickly payed for the food and went after him. We started to walk of.

During that time he turned his head and looked in every direcction like something was coming after him. At first I didn't really care about it, but we where almost at his house and he still panicked. "Naruto, what's wrong? You look like you're afraid that someone is coming after you" He looked at me, and seemed a little embarrassed. "Uhm... It's just that..." He paused and turned around. "I-I'm afraid that one of my bulliers will be around." I looked at him, shocked. I can't believe that they bullied him so much that he's afraid that they will track him and find him. I hugged him from behind and rested my head at his shoulder. "That's why you're going to have a sleepover at my house tonight." I had made up my mind, and I wouldn't take a no for an answer. He turned around. "Really? You would really let me do that?" I nodded. Of course I would do that for him. He means everything to me. I took his hand and continued down the road to my own house. Itachi would be thrilled to see him, again.


Naruto POV

Sasuke really cares for me. At first when he confessed to me I was a little taken back and didn't really know what to do, but I really do love him, more than anyone else. And he loves me to. No one has ever treated me like this, no one ever treated me like I meant something, but Sasuke does, and his brother too. He didn't even laugh at me when I said that I was scared that Pein and the gang would track me up, he seemed to fully understand that I was scared. We walked to his house hand in hand. We didn't even let go when we entered the house. When Itachi saw us he staopped in his tracks and locked his gaze at our hands. I tried to carefully slip out of the grip, but the more I pulled, the stronger Sasuke made the grip. I gave up pretty quick. "Welcome home, you two!" Itachi dropped his gaze and smiled brightly at us before continuing to go wherever he was going. I let out a small sigh and took of my shoes before following Sasuke upstairs. I was still pretty amazed by his house.

"why did you try to let go of my hand downstairs?" I heard a weak chuckle after that. I blushed. "Well, what if he would've judged us?" It was true, he could have. It's not impossible. Sasuke sat down next to me in his sofa. "Listen, I've already said to him that I'm gay, and he didn't have any problem with that whatsoever, so we shouldn't hide the fact that we're together." Holy crap, he said that we're dating. By now I was a tomato. " Calm down, he wont judge you! He thinks you 'suit' me." Suit him? That sounded a little rude in some way. "What exactly did he say when you told him we where dating?" I looked at him curiously, and he smiled. "He said that it didn't matter whether I was gay or not, it just surpised him a little. The only thing that mattered was that I've found a person to love." He smiled warmly at me at the last part. I smiled back and moved closer to him, and gave him a peck on the lips. He he gave me a wierd look before he once again smiled and kissed me.

The passionate kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Sasuke, can I talk to you for a minute?" Sasuke growled and stood up. "I'll be back in a minute". He walked out the door with a sigh, an irritated one. I chuckled a little at his reaction and stood up and paced around in the room waiting for him to come back.


Sasuke POV

"What?" I was really annoyed by now. Itachi ruined my little moment with Naruto and that made me irritated and a bit angry. "Listen Sasuke, I think it's best that you keep that a secret for Naruto."

"What should I keep a secret?" Itachi facepalmed and leaned forth to my ear.

"That I know who he and his parents are, and were." I looked at him with sad eyes.

"I don't know, Itachi. He has the right to know! It's better that he hears it from us than from someone else."

"Maybe, but still keep it a secret for now, promise me that." Itachi looked a me with a serious expression and I sighed in defeat. I nodded and went back into my room were I saw Naruto sitting on my bed. "What was all that about?" From here it sounded like it was something serious" My breath hitched. He couldn't have heard the conversation, right? "No, it was nothing serious. It was nothing" His face showed that he didn't buy the lie, but quickly shook it of. "Nee, Sasuke! Can we see a film or something? I'm bored to death". A vein popped up on my forehead. He's bored, and even says that out loud when I even invited him to my on house and offered him a sleepover. "Oi, do you understand just how much you should appreciate the fact that you were even allowed to stay here over night?!" I said pointing at him, but he kept his bored expression. "I do appreciate it, I'm just being straight with this, I'm bored." He walked up to me and pointed at me. "So, where do you keep your films?" I looked at him with a idiotic face and gave up. "In the bookcase on the left by my desk" I said pointing. He quickly walked to the bookcase and started to dig trough my movies. I sat down on the sofa and waited for him to choose one. "Aha, we should watch this!" He quickly stood up and walked to my Tv and put the movie on the DVD. He sat down next to me in the sofa and pushed 'play'. I was a little startled when he leaned onto my shoulder and snuggled closer to me, but soon I wrapped and arm around him and leaned my own head against his.

When the movie was near it's end I started to doze of. I looked at the clock. 12.30 AM. No wonder I'm sleepy. I looked at Naruto, who was already asleep. I smiled and carefully picked him up in bridal style and carried him to the bed. He looked so cute when he was asleep. I lied down next to him and looked at him for a moment with a smile. But soon the memories from when Itachi begged me to keep that secret flowed through my mind. I dropped the smile and looked at Naruto with sad eyes. I just couldn't keep this a secret from him. He has the right know. I carefully wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest. "Nani ga atte, ore wa itsumo anata o aishite inaideshou. Yakusoku"


Tenshi - Angel

Nani ga atte, ore wa anato o aishite inaideshou. Yakousoku - No matter what, I will always love you. I promise.


I had some serious problem wiritng this chapter. It was just to cute. Oh, and in the next chapter, there might be some smut, I'm not sure yet though.

Next up is Unshed Tears! Stay Tuned!


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