Chapter 16 - Drained Happiness

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A/N: Please read this chapter the music in the media ^^


Sasuke POV

I gave up. I lost all strength when it came to struggling and yelling. My eyes was dull and I didn't recognize my surroundings anymore. All I heard was faint talk among the doctors, and the long beep from his heartmachine that meant that he was dead. He was dead. I was about to give up, if the love of my life disappeared, then I wouldn't have anything left. My light left me. It was like the sun died, I needed it to survive.

But one thing made me return to the real world. The beeping sound wasn't as long anymore. It was rather regular. A big sigh was heard from all the doctors and I looked towards the bed. A small part of me knew that everything would be alright now. The doctors moved a little, giving me the opportunity to see Naruto moving. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I wanted to say his name, but I couldn't form any words. Itachi let go of me, and I stumbled towards the bed, hoping that that little part of me was right. One of the doctors helped him sit up, while he rubbed his head as if he just hit it very hard. I managed to get all the way to the bed, while looking at him all the time, tears streaming down my face. He looked up at me with tired eyes, yet confused eyes. What was this?

"Naruto" I managed to say, with a cracked voice, before I litteraly jumped on him, hugging him as if my life depended on it. I cried silently on his shoulder, tears of happiness. I didn't think I would see him up and well again. But something was wrong, he didn't hug me back like he would normally. I let go of him, and looked at him. He looked scared, and confused.

"Who are you?"

Naruto POV

"Who are you?" I asked confused. Who was this guy? Did I know him? Why was he crying? So many questions wandered around in my head as I looked around in the room confused. Why was I in a hospital? Doctors surrounded me, and they looked sad and scared at the same time, with some sympathetic hint mixed in it. I looked back at the wierd guy, who surprisingly knew me. "Naruto? Don't you remember me?" His voice was weak, but dissapointed. I started to feel guilty, but... "Naruto? Who's Naruto?" His eyes widened in shock, and his face was so full of emotions that I couldn't even read all of them. "You're Naruto..." He said, dissapointed. I couldn't shake of my confused expression. This was too much, I couldn't handle it. Why can't I remember anything? I can't even remember myself!

I started hyperventilating, and the doctors closed in on me. It was overwhelming, and scary, to not know what you are doing here, who the people around you are or who you are yourself. Imagine it, to lose everything, litteraly everything. I wanted to die. It would be better that way, so I would hurt the people who appereantly knew me by forgetting them, or did I on purpose just surpress these memories? Were they painful? No, I didn't want to forget everything around me. I felt so guilty. Did I deserve this? In that case, why? What did I do?

Sasuke POV

A doctor pushed both me and Itachi out of the room. I didn't struggle at all. It drained my strength, to know that Naruto has forgotten everything. Me, himself... Everything. "It is a plain miracle that he even survived that. The infections got the best of him and killed him for a split moment, but thank the Lord that he's alive now" I snapped into the real world when the doctor began to talk. I didn't want to, but couldn't help but listen. "It's something special about him indeed, but it seems like that little moment when he died took tole on his memory, and has forgotten everything around him. Unfortunatly we don't know if he will ever remember again, but after this miracle we can't jump onto any conclusions" My hopes went upwards. She was right, after surviving all that, it's not impossible for him to not be able to remember again. I sighed in relief, as if a big burden was lifted from me. The doctor walked into the room again, leaving me and Itachi then anxious.

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