Chapter 5 - I Want To Help

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."



Sasuke POV

We got to his home and he turned to the entrancedoor and stopped. "If you want to you can come in" he said without looking at me, an I figured that he blushed like hell. I didn't want to let him down after everything he told me today, so I just accepted it and went in after him. I took of my my shoes and sat down on his sofa and looked around. He didn't have a big apartment. The livingroom and entrance were the same room, it was just a little halfwall that cut of the livingroom from the kitchen and I figured that the bathroom must have been connected to the bedroom since there was only one door other than the entrance. He sat down beside me and sighed. "Sorry that there's nothing to do here" he looked a little embarressed and he smiled akwardly. "No it's okay" I didn't want to make him feel bad just because of his apartment, so I decided to treat him something.

 "Hey, there's a small cafe around here if you're hungry or something". He looked at me dumbfonded before he nodded and smiled. "Sure, but I don't think I have any money". He dropped his smile and looked down, but I just chuckled. "What?" Clearly he doesn't like when people laugh at him. "Dobe, I made that suggestion because I was going to treat you!" He lit up again and smiled. "Are you sure?" he seemed quite embarressed. "Of course, what are friends for?" I said childishly as I put my shoes on. "Are you coming?".

We sat in the café talking about specifically... nothing. We litterly just sat that with our tea, in an akward silence. He was the one who finally broke the silence. "What did you with mean 'That's what friends are for'?" His voice was weak. "Well, isn't it obvious? I'm your friend right?" I answered with a smirk. He blushed like crazy and smiled. "Do you really consider me as a friend? Be honest!" He dropped his smile and starred at me with a serious expression. I dropped mine too, because it actually hurt me to know that I'm the first one who actually befriended him. 

"I'm serious. I consider you as a friend even though we met just today. I'm actually relieved to have a real friend and not just annoying fangirls that follows me everywhere." I stopped when I saw tears forming in the corner of his eyes. I wonder if I hurt him or something. "What's wrong?" I actually dared to ask him. "No, it's nothing.." he said and wiped his upcoming tears. "It's just that I'm glad that you actually befriended me. I never had a friend so I didn't know what it was like to have someone this close to you, but now I know, and I'm glad for that." He smiled again and it affected me, so I smiled like crazy too. There wasn't a akward silence the rest of the time we were in the café, it was actually pretty fun to spend time with him and get to know him. 

Naruto POV

I really had a great time with Sasuke. When I first met him I was pretty convinced that he was the cold type that didn't want any friends, but he's actually nice when you get to know him. And he really is ho-..... No, I wasn't thinking like that, no.

He followed me home since it got pretty late. "Well, see you tomorrow then" I said and went to my entrance. "Yeah" Sasuke smiled and started to walk off. "Oh, by the way" he stopped in his tracks, but didn't turn around. "Is it okay if I pick you up tomorrow? I mean, you were late today, so I can pick you up by 7:40 so you're on time". I didn't know what to say. I've always been used to walk to and from school alone. I've done that for like 10 years. "Sure, if you don't mind" I managed to say with a forced voice. I could almost hear his smirk before he started to walk off again until he was out of sight. I found myself just standing there blushing like crazy, but I shook it of and went up to my apartment.

I dragged myself to bed and fell on it. But for some reason I couldn't sleep, probably because I could shake the thoughts of Sasuke. I've never had a friend, so I didn't know how it felt like to have one until today, but it felt like something else. What was it? I thought about it for a while, until I felt that my consciousness was slipping away and everything became dark.

--------Next day-------

Sasuke POV

I had been waiting outside his house for quite a while now and started to become irritated. I'd already called and text him multible times, but never recieved an answer. After another 5 minutes, wich felt like an eternity he finally came out to the gate. "You know we were supposed to meet here about 15 minutes ago, right?" My voice was hard, though I didn't mean to say it like that. He just nodded but didn't look at me. His bangs covered his eyes so it kind of seemed like he was really sad. He started to walk of so I almost had to run after him to catch up. We didn't say anything the rest of the way, and we walked in a slow pace even though we both knew we started in about 10 minutes and it took alomst 20 to get there.

When we arrived the bell had already rung, but we continued in our slow pace all the way to the classroom. We did get some wierd looks when we entered the classroom but niether of us cared. We made our way up to our desks and just listened to the teacher the rest of the lesson.

The bell rang and everybody hurried out of the classroom, and before I stood up, I leaned into Naruto a bit. He really didn't care, it almost felt like he didn't know I was there. I sighed. "Naruto, what's wrong? You haven't said anything today and you seem really upset". He just shook his head and quickly stood up and ran out of the classroom. I wasn't really sure of what was going on, so it took me a while to make my legs stand up and walk after him. They finally listened and I ran out of the classroom and looked in every direction until I saw Naruto walk into the bathrooms. I quickly followed him and pushed the door open so it slammed into the wall. I heard soft cries from one of the stalls.

"Naruto?" I leaned onto the door and listened. "Can you please tell me what's wrong? I want to help you, whatever it is" I tried to talk in my most soft voice to try and calm him down. He opened the door and there I just saw a pained, tear stained face. "Please, let me help you" His pain almost affected me, because my heart sank when I saw that awfull pain behind his eyes. "Okay.." he murmured and walked to the sinks. "It's just that, I can't stop having these dreams...."


Haha! Cliffhanger there! I'll try to update as soon as possible again and Thanks for reading! I really didn't think I would pass 3 chapters, but here I am, almost at chapter 6, and please vote and comment :)

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