Chapter 2

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2 more months passed; two more months of Jackie invading Zak’s dreams, and two more months of John casting his dark magic on Angie.    And it seemed as if John’s plan was working out just the way he hoped it would.     Angie had just 2 days ago, moved herself out of the guest room and was now sharing John’s bedroom with him.

“Now, I just need to her to drop her defenses and sleep with me” John said, as he read through his book of dark magic spells.   “There has got to be something in here that will make that happen.”

What no one but John and Jackie knew is that Angie and Zak were destined to have a son together, as well as their daughter Alex.    And together Alex and her brother, who would also be born with a gift, would when grown would cause more problems for Satan and his demons that Zak ever could.     And this was something that Satan couldn’t allow to happen.

The original evil plan was to kill Angie, that night in the car accident.    No one counted on Zak rushing to her side, and his love for her, being what saved her life.    John convinced his dark master to let him steal Angie’s love; that way she could give birth to the son she was destined to have; only he would be the father instead of Zak.    This way the boy’s gifts would be used for the forces of darkness, not good.

John had been working for months, casting dark magic spells, summoning Jackie’s spirit from hell, all to achieve this goal.    He didn’t really love Angie, nor did he really want her as a wife.    John Redland had every intention on getting rid of Angie and Alex, after his son was born.

“Ah ha” John exclaimed, as he found the dark magic spell he was looking for.    “To Make Someone Give Into You.”    He’d also found a fertility spell, that would, when cast, cause Angie to become pregnant.     “Perfect.”     John went to work, casting the two spells.    He knew the first spell would take some time before it would work, because while she hadn’t mentioned him, John knew that a part of Angie’s heart still belonged to Zak.

“And that needs to change” John muttered as he flipped through the pages of his spell book again.    “I’m going to need to show sweet Angie that Zak doesn’t care about her.    The fact that he hasn’t tried to contact her or their precious Alex should be enough for her, but nooooo.”     Moments later John slammed the book shut.  “Damn it.  Nothing.”

John ended the phone call and then headed back upstairs, he knew that he would have to resort to non magical methods.   And despite the fact that romance made him physically sick to his stomach, John knew he had to try and do everything he could along with his dark magic, to win Angie’s love.     

Angie and Alex had gone out for awhile, and John set about setting up a romantic dinner for two, after having made plans for his next door neighbor to babysit Alex.    Angie and Alex walked into John’s house just in time to see John and his neighbor talking.   Angie quickly spotted the dining table had been set, complete with candles and Champaign.

“Good you’re home” John said with a smile.    “Angie you know my neighbor, Misses Richards.”   Angie nodded.   “She’s kindly agreed to babysit Alex for the night, so you and I can have a candle lit dinner for two.”

Angie felt Alex gripping her hand tightly.    “John that’s sweet but I don’t know…..”

John walked over to Angie and caressed Angie’s cheek.    “Come on, it’s just dinner.   You deserve a night off from being Mommy.”     Angie finally sighed and then nodded her head in agreement.   “Excellent.   Misses Richards, little Alex is all yours for the night.”

“Mommy no” Alex protested.   

“Its okay baby, Mommy’s right next door if you need her.   Now be good for the nice lady.”

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