Chapter 10

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At the hotel, Zak had arranged for little Alex to stay in his Sister’s hotel room, so she could spend time with her cousins.   And so he and Angie could finally be alone.    It had been a long year, of getting to know each other again, and helping Angie and Alex recover from what John had done in Dallas.

And despite how many times he had wanted to just simply pick Angie up, carry her into the bedroom and rip her clothes of and then spend the night making love with her; Zak held back.    He could tell from how she would react that she wasn’t ready for that step yet.     Zak thought it was ironic that she didn’t seem ever ready to spend the night with him, considering they had a four year old daughter; but he never pushed; the last thing he wanted was to push Angie away from him.

But tonight….tonight there would be no more waiting.    Zak unlocked the door to his hotel room, and then scooped Angie up into his arms.   Using his foot, Zak pushed the door open and carried Angie inside the room.    He then set her gently back down onto her feet and then quickly grabbed up the do not disturb sign and hung it on the door handle.

Zak shut the hotel room door shut and then turned to look at Angie.   “Finally” he thought.    “She’s finally all mine, forever.”    Zak walked closer to her and the noticed that there were candles and rose petals strung all over the room.    “What the…..” he began to say.

“You didn’t do this?”

“No” Zak answered.    “But I’m guessing the others had something to do with it.”   Then he spotted a white box laying on the bed.   Zak walked over to it and saw there was a note taped to the boxes lid.     After reading the note he picked up the box and handed it to Angie.

“What’s this?”

“Don’t know, but the note says it’s for you.   And that’s my Sister’s handwriting.”   Zak answered.    Angie opened the box and gasped when she saw what was inside.    As she removed the lid from the box, another note flew out onto the floor.   Zak picked it up and read it.

‘Ang, I’ve known my Brother for a long time; so trust me when I tell you that you have to wear this tonight.’

Zak couldn’t figure out what his Sister had done, but had a pretty good guess from how badly Angie was blushing.    He peeked inside the box and that his Sister had bought Angie a very skimpy teddy.   It was red in color with black trim; completely see through, with break away straps.

Zak shook his head, blushing slightly himself, knowing his own Sister had picked something like that out.     Zak took the box from Angie and set it down on top of the dresser that sat in a corner of the room.    “Sorry about that.   My Sister is a major brat; always was and I guess always will be.”

Zak walked back over to where Angie was standing, which was next to the bed.    He was inches from her; so close that she could feel his breath on her skin.    Angie was looking at the floor.   “Ang?   Is something wrong?”

“No” Angie said, finally looking up at him.    She shocked Zak when she reached up and began kissing him; but it didn’t take him long before he wrapped his arms around her and began kissing her back.    “Everything is perfect….now” Angie said, finally breaking their kiss.

“Perfect” Zak said softly, staring into her eyes.   He brushed his lips against hers once more and then slid his mouth down to her neck where he began kissing her.   He started right under her jaw, and worked his way down to the top of her shoulder.    Angie tipped her head back and to the side, giving him better access to her neck.

Zak’s hands began moving up and down her back, causing a slight moan to escape from Angie’s mouth.   “Zak” she whispered.     Zak smiled against her skin; he’d been waiting for this night since she came back into his life.

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