Chapter 3

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Another month had now passed, and in Las Vegas, Aaron was in his office at the GAC office, talking on the phone with Nick.   “He still doesn’t remember bro” Aaron said with a yawn.   “And his falling asleep during the day time is getting worse.”  Aaron yawned again.   “And I think its contagious dude.”

“I know the doctor said not to try and force his memories to come back, but I’m starting to think maybe we should try.”  

“I thought that could do more harm than good?”  Aaron said.

“According to his doctor, it could” Nick answered.   “But I decided to try calling Angie’s cell…”


“And, amazingly she hasn’t changed her number” Nick said.   “But she didn’t seem all that thrilled to hear from me.  I mean she didn’t hang up or tell me off or anything, it was just something in her voice….”

“Did you mention Zak and what happened to him?”

“As soon as I said his name, she got really sharp, told me to never call her ever again, and then she hung up.”  Nick answered.

“Ouch” Aaron remarked.   “So what are we gonna do?   If Zak remembers on his own, or we help him remember, it sounds like she’s done with him for good this time….and if her walking out on him in Dallas put him in the hospital dude….”

“I know Aaron, I’m just as worried about you as what will happen to Zak if he finds out she’s done with him for good this time.”   Nick said.   “She wouldn’t even let me talk to Alex.”

Aaron’s mouth dropped open in shock.   “Are you serious?”


Aaron let out a whistle.   “Great.  Nick, bro, I think we’re screwed this time.”

“How did Zak’s check up go?”

“Good, but confusing” Aaron answered.

“What do you mean?”

“Zak’s primary doctor told him that his heart was one hundred percent perfect.    Never any sign of any problems.   It’s as if what happened in Dallas, never happened.”

“That’s weird.”

In Dallas, John’s dark magic had began to take hold.   Angie had begun to be very loving towards him; she’s even let him kiss her.     John was in his basement, he’d summoned Jackie once more.

“Things are moving along nicely” John said.   “Angie’s let me kiss her.”

“Well things are not moving along nicely on my end.”

“Why?  What’s happened?”  John asked.

“Zak’s Grandmother’s spirit keeps getting in the way.    Somehow she’s been able to enter his dreams.”

“All spirits can enter a person’s dreams” John stated.   “And if the dreamer happens to be someone the spirit cared about in life, entry into their dreams is even easier.”

“Yeah, well she’s been able to manipulate his dreams too.”

“What?!” John exclaimed.

“You heard me.   I’ve been able to counter her actions so far….but that old woman is making things really hard for me.”

“Damn her” John muttered.

“She’s somehow involving his family….his living family into the dreams.”

“How in the hell is that even possible?”  John yelled.

“How should I know?”   John began pacing.    “But I don’t know how much longer I can keep countering her counters to my manipulations.    That old woman is getting help from someone, and its powerful help too.”

“It’s the other side you idiot!”  John snapped.

“You mean the Afterlife?”

“No” John growled.   “I’m talking about the side of good.   The side that planned and wants Zak and Angie to conceive that very special little boy…who’s gift combined with his older sister’s gift will be more damaging to my side than Zak ever could be.”

“Well what do you want me to do?  I’m doing the best I can to counter act the old woman’s efforts.   But she’s his beloved Grandmother…..she’s gonna have more sway over him that I do.”

“Then use the assets you were born with to sway him our way.”  John said.

“I’m a ghost in case you forgot.   It’s not like I can just flash him my boobs or anything.”   Jackie looked down at her own chest.   “I’m not even sure as a ghost that I still have any.”

“You’re a creative woman my dear, you’ll think of something.   Now handle it and his nosy Grandmother.”  Before Jackie could respond, John blew out one of the black candles and she quickly disappeared.    “Looks like I’m going to have to speed up my plan.”    John looked upwards and scowled.   “Damn you.   You won’t win.    Zak’s son will be my son, in every way.   Even if I have to kill Zak Bagans to do it.”

Upstairs, Angie had sent Alex over to Mrs. Richards house, and was in John’s bedroom, changing into a slim, figure hugging dress that John had bought her.    John came up from the basement, making sure to lock the door behind him, and then walked out of the kitchen into his dinning room.

John was very surprised when he saw that his dinning room table was set for a dinner for two, complete with candles.    He was even more surprised when Angie walked out of his bedroom, wearing the purple figure hugging dress he’d bought for her.   “What’s the occasion?”  He asked.

“You’ve been so good to Alex and me” Angie said as she walked over to him.    “I just wanted to thank you.   So I made us dinner.”

“And where’s Alex?”

“She’s spending the night with Misses Richards.”  Angie answered.    John smiled.    “And dinner is ready.   So let’s eat.”    Angie started walking towards the table but was stopped when John reached out and grabbed hold of her waist.

He pulled her in close and began to kiss her.    At first Angie resisted, but soon she began kissing him back.    What no one realized is that little Alex had snuck out of Mrs. Richards house, and was now peeking in the window and saw her Mother kissing John.

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