Chapter 6

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In Dallas John was once more in his basement, and once again he’d summoned Jackie’s spirit, so he could see how things were going at keeping Zak from remembering Angie and Alex.      Jackie told John about how the spirit of Zak’s Grandmother somehow managed to help him remember along with his friends forcing him to watch videos.

John was pacing, his face was red with anger.   “Damn it!”   Then he turned and glared at Jackie.    “This is your fault!”

“No it’s not” Jackie yelled.   “I told you I was running out of energy and running out of things to drain energy from!”    John picked up his book of dark magic spells, and began flipping through the pages.    After a moment he stopped and set the open book down on his altar.    “What are you doing John?”

John didn’t answer; instead he picked up a white candle, set it on the floor in front of the black candles and lit it.   John looked Jackie directly in the eyes.   “You’ve failed for the last time.”

Jackie began to panic; she knew what he was going to do.   “John don’t do anything hasty, I can still help you.”

John picked up his book and began reading from it.

“By the power of the five elements,
I banish you from this realm.
May the Earth swallow you.
May you never find water.
May the air you breathe be a poison to you.
May fire burn you eternally.
May your spirit be banished always.
Let my will be done,
so mote it be.”

Smoke began to rise up from around Jackie’s feet and began to swirl around her.   “No, damn it John!  You’ll burn in hell for this, I’ll see to it!”

“You first my love” John responded, smirking as she disappeared.    He then blew out all of the candles and put them away.    “Now because if her being an idiot, I’ve got to speed things up.   I’ve got to try and get Angie to marry me….now, today.”    John began looking through his spell book again.   “And I’ve got to get rid of that brat Alexandra as well.”

John found the spell he was looking for and began casting it.   It was known as a binding spell, and this particular binding spell, would bind Angie’s heart and soul to him for her entire life.     What John didn’t know is that the spirit of Zak’s Grandmother was in a corner of the basement, watching.

She disappeared and reappeared unseen, in the seat next to Zak on the airplane to Dallas.    “Time is running out Zachary” she said.   “I will do what I can to protect Angie and Alex until you get there.”   

Hearing a voice Zak turned to look at the empty seat next to him, and then began looking all around him.   “Grandma?”  

Aaron and Nick who were sitting in the seats behind Zak, both heard him call out the word “Grandma”.   Billy and Jay were sitting in the seats in front of Zak and they heard him too.

Nick got up out of his seat and then sat down next to Zak.   “Zak, what’s going on?   We heard you say Grandma.”

“I think I’m loosing my mind Nick.   I swore just now that I heard my Grandmother talking….it sounded like she was sitting right next to me.”

“What did she say?”  Nick asked.

“All I could make out was something about time running out….and Zachary.”  

Nick could tell that Zak was getting nervous, but he could also see the anger building up inside his friend.    “Try and relax.   We’ll be there soon.”

“I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something more going on Nick.”

“Is that why you called Bishop Long before we left Vegas?”

Zak nodded.   “I had this feeling deep in my gut that we were gonna need spiritual help.    So he’s meeting us in Dallas.”

3 hours later in Dallas, Texas, the Ghost Adventures Crew met up with Bishop James Longi8844op James Long; Zak and the others explained, in as much detail as they could, to Bishop Long what was going on.   They even told the Bishop about Zak’s dreams and about how Alex seemed to be able to speak to Zak’s late Grandmother.

“I’m not sure spiritual help is needed here Zak” the Bishop finally said.   “But I will come with you, if you want me too.”

At John Redland’s house, a demon, who had been sent by Satan to assist John, informed John that not only was Zak and the entire GAC Crew in Dallas, but that Bishop Long was with them. 

“Damn it!”  John yelled.   He knew now that his time was running out.    With Alex willingly spending more time with Mrs. Richards, which John didn’t mind at all, John knew he had to act quickly.    And that since magic, even dark magic takes time, he was going to have to resort to a trick of Jackie’s to get what he wanted.

He unlocked a safe that was in his basement and opened it.   John took a small bottle of white powder out of the safe.   He pour some of the white powder into a wine glass and then carefully put the powder back into the safe and relocked it.

John carried the wine glass upstairs to the kitchen and then poured some wine into it.   He poured some wine into a second wine glass, and then carried both glasses out to the living room, where Angie was sitting.

“Let’s toast” John said handing her the poisoned wine glass.  

“To what?”

“To us” John answered.   John clinked his glass against hers and smiled as Angie took a small sip.   “Angie, my darling I’ve been thinking about something.”

“What’s that?”

“You need someone to love and protect you, and Alex needs a father figure in her life….someone stable…..someone who will be there.”   John said.   Angie simply nodded her head.    To encourage her to take another sip of wine, John took a sip from his own glass.

“Be my wife” John said.

Out of shock and nerves, Angie quickly took a big sip of her wine and didn’t notice John’s evil smirk when she did that.   “John…I don’t….”    She set her wine glass down on the coffee table as she was beginning to feel funny.    “I….I feel odd.”

“That’s love you’re feeling my dear” John answered, setting his own wine glass down.    As he did, his front door opened and a man walked in.

“Is it time?”   The man asked.

“It soon will be” John answered.   “Get ready to perform the ceremony.”   The man nodded and walked into the dinning room.   

“Love” Angie said, in a questioning tone.

“Yes” John said.   “You’re finally realizing how much you love me.    Come, we’ll get married.”   John stood and then held out his hand.    Angie took hold of it and John helped her to her feet.   Then he began leading her towards the dinning room.


“Yes, my love, now.”   John said.    They walked into the dinning room and the stranger had an upside down pentagram drawn out in chalk on the hardwood floor.

“Please stand in the center” he said, gesturing to the floor.    John led Angie towards the pentagram and held onto her tightly.

“Begin” John ordered.

In their rental car, Zak began to feel very impatient.    “Hurry Zachary” he heard his Grandmother whisper.    Zak sat straight up, which everyone noticed.

“What’s wrong Zak” Billy asked. 

“I heard my Grandmother again” Zak answered.   “She told me to hurry.”    Nick, who was driving, didn’t bother asking any questions, instead he stepped on the gas.

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