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chapter 11|pre-battle

chapter 11|pre-battle

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        Elio had begun to notice the strange aura around Lewis and Julian, giving him the impression that something definitely had happened.

"Lew, wanna tell me what's going on between you and Jules?" He asked, as he noticed the vampire standing at the balcony alone drinking a glass of whiskey that Giovanni had brought.

Lewis grimaced at the voice, knowing exactly what voice Elio had put on. He knew eventually that he had to tell the hybrid, but the thought of an angry hybrid was scaring him to not do it.

Getting no response from the vampire, Elio had taken upon himself to walking up to him and have Lewis face him, eye to eye. He knew something was wrong if Lewis hadn't said anything to him, let alone Julian being quiet around the hybrid.

"What happened? I haven't seen you guys fight like this si─" Before he could finish his sentence, Lewis shook his head.

"I know, I know. Just a stupid argument, no reason to get worried over it."

Elio only just stared at him while Lewis was avoiding eye contact, "If it was a stupid argument then you two would have probably be bothering Silas right about now. Your stupid arguments would have ended within a few hours.." The hybrid explained to Lewis.

Lewis knew he was right, his and Julian's arguments wouldn't last more than 5 hours. This argument lasted til the next day and both of the boys weren't even close to talking to each other.

"If you're not going to tell me, then I'll go ask Julian."

Elio gave him a look, letting him know that he was serious about it. It was then that the vampire had grabbed his arm before he could let the hybrid leave.

"The argument was about the imprinting.." Lewis trailed off with a small whisper. "I know I said I'll do my best to let him be, but I can't help it. The last time he felt like this, I had to go and protect him from his own lovers... Do you remember how long it took him to eventually forget about them? To not even think or feel what they did to him?"

He definitely remembered. Elio had to watch Julian become so blindly in love with a couple men that didn't even deserve him. He and his brothers had to watch the young vampire slowly lose himself while being with his said lovers. It took Julian almost 20 maybe 30 years to be his normal self. Lewis couldn't stand it, so when he had the chance to committ a crime of murder in order to save his brother, he'd do it in a heart beat all over again.

"I understand your worry, but do you think that maybe Julian is ready to actually face real emotions and not the blind love he felt with them? I spoke to him about Seth and honestly, he seems to be really happy about it. Whether they stay friends or become an official couple, I know that someone is going to stay by Julian's side when he's ready to face things alone."

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