Chapters 16 Gotta get to back, back to the present!

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Young Erza POV

I was in the corner sulking worrying about Mr. Blake. I don't know why but he makes me feel calm and safe.

Jellal: Hey Erza, you okay?

I looked up to see Jellal staring at me with concern on his face. I looked down sadly.

Me: I'm worried about Mr. Blake.

Jellal: (smiles) Don't worry! Mr. Blake is a tough you've seen how he's been for a whole year. He won't let anyone break him so he's going to be fine!

I knew Jellal was right about Mr. Blake but i couldn't help but feel a deep pit in my stomach. Just then we heard the doors to the cells being opened we see two guards dragging someone. Once they were near the entrance they threw the person into the cell. Our eyes widened in horror when we saw a beaten Mr. Blake with scorch marks all over him.


Me and the others run towards him to check on him.

Millianna: (tears in her eyes) Is he okay?!

Jellal managed to turn him over and we looked at him only to feel our hearts sink. The left side of Mr. Blake's face was coated in blood because his left eye was gone.

Me: (voice breaking) No.

I broke down hugging him cause that felt like the only thing i could do. I felt so weak so helpless i wish...8 wish i could have protected him!

No one's POV

Some time has pass Drake managed to get back his feet albeit with some struggle. Luckily Erza and the others were there to help him. But something has changed in Drake, his one good eye still burnt with the flames of defiance but he's become so quiet now. Even we he defied them he would remain silent. On occasions he would speak but his words would be tainted with venom. Then....

Drake was limping back to his cell with Erza helping him. Once they made it back they saw everyone leaving to get back to work. Drake looked up and looked and saw Jellal was gone.

Drake: (looks at Rob) Where's Jellal?

Rob: (looks down sadly) I'm afraid the boy took your words to heart. He saved a girl from the guards and now they have taken him away.

Drake eyes widened as he remembered a talk he had with Jellal a few nights ago.


Jellal: Hey Mr. Blake?

Drake: (looks towards him) What's up?

Jellal: Why do you keep fighting back? You know they're just going to punish you in the worst ways.

Drake: (closes eyes and thinks) Jellal, remember when i first arrived here and everyone was afraid especially when it came to Nord?

Jellal: Yeah?

Drake: Remember how everyone started abandoned their work because they were wipping a tired old man?

Jellal: Yeah.

Drake: Someone had to stand up do something. When the strong stands up for what's right the others will follow. Because with that fire in their heart it strikes strength, with that strength it strikes will, with that will it strikes hope, with that hope we can survive anything. But in order to do that someone has to be the one to stand up and fight. To give people hope to give them that drive to survive.

Jellal: (stares at Drake im awe)

Flashback ends

Drake grit his teeth and tightened his fist. He felt something in his belly roasting that was burning to break free.

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