Chapter 14 A surprise twist!

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Lucy, Erza, and Juvia were all still struggling to get out of Millianna's ropes.

Lucy: Ow!

Erza: (looks towards her) What's wrong?

Lucy: Something sharp poked me!

Lucy looks behind her and sees one of the workers of the casino who was trapped in a card also had a knife.

Worker: Whoops! Sorry about that!

Lucy: Hey, was that you that poked me?

Worker: Yeah i just happened to have this letter opener in my pocket and i thought that i might be able to use to cut my way out of this thing. But guess i accidentally got you.

Erza heard this and thought of a plan.

Erza: That's it! Even though his knife's inside the card , you could still feel it, right Lucy?

Lucy: Yeah?

Erza: So maybe he can use that to cut your free.

Lucy: Oh! I get it now! (Looks to worker) Sir i need you to try and cut through this rope, ok?

Worker: I'll give it a shot.

The man began to saw the rope with his knife and a few seconds later he cut the rope and Lucy was free.

Lucy: You did it! Thanks a lot i owe one!

Lucy uses her now sharpened claw like nails to slice Erza and Juvia free.

Erza: Thanks Lucy.

Juvia: Yes, thank you. (Remebers) We have to save Drake!

Erza: We will, but we have to see if Natsu and Gray are alright, come on!

The three of them rush towards the other area of the casino and saw it was a wreck. They then looked over and saw the body of Gray.

Erza and Lucy: GRAY!

The two rushed over to him with Juvia close behind.

Juvia: Is he alright!?

Lucy: I don't know!

Erza: Gray snap out of it! (Touches him) He's cold!

Suddenly Gray's body turned into ice and broke apart this made the three women scream comically and panic.

???: Don't be alarmed your friend is alright.

Erza: (looking around) Who said that!? Where are you!? Show yourself!

Just then the ground split making a large but small hole and out of it jumped two men. One was a giant of a man reaching 9 feet andwho looked to be twenty-six years old. The other was the same height as Drake and looked to be about twenty years old.
(No they're not saiyans and the Dude on the right is 9 feet tall)

(No they're not saiyans and the Dude on the right is 9 feet tall)

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