
1.3K 22 28

Okay guys i feel like everyone isn't really giving my other stories besides Fairy Tail enough credit. Don't get me wrong i glad you all are enjoying Fairy Tail BUT i also have others stories that i would like you all to give more credit to.

Yesterday i got a private message from someone telling me to forget my other stories and just focus on Fairy Tail. Not only that i posted two new chapters for My Little Champion Today and a few days ago! I work hard on these stories guys i know I'm not going to get Some immediate feedback but damnit give me something!

And the person who private message me that made start thinking if you guys even read my other stories. Cause watch as soon as post the new chapter of Fairy Tail I'm going to be getting comments and other stuff from this ONE story! I'm not saying all of you are like that just SOME not all.

So here's the new deal until my other stories Dragon Ball DXD (Prequel) and My Little Champion get up to at least 4K or 3K Fairy Tail will be on a long Hiatus until then. I'm sorry to those who actually read all my stories but as you know if one person ruins something he/she ruins it for all. It's just not fair for me to put all this effort into these stories and only get readers for just ONE. And you guys proved me right as soon as i posted a new chapter i've been getting messages and comments yet when i posted My Little Champion i only got one vote! So come on guys i work hard on these, waste most of my free time for these! I break my back to make sure you all have at least one damn chapter!

If some of you guys can't understand that then i WILL delete Fairy Tail. To the others who do understand I'm not going to delete it now it's still standing i just want the others to understand anyways thank you for your time.

Fairy Tail: Tale of The Dragon Lord (Adopted By Julius123489)Where stories live. Discover now