Chapter 17 Dragon Lord Escape!

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Somewhere else at the same time

Erza: I have to fight Jellal. (Tears streaming down face) I have no choice, i have to do it.

During the time Drake was in the past, Natsu and the others made their way into the Tower of Heaven. Erza told them the full story of the Tower of Heaven and Jellal.

Erza: Blake Haze died that day and saved me from Nord. Without him i wouldn't be here today. And being here just brings back those horrible memories. But i have to save Drake cause....(voice breaking) i don't want him to pay the price because of me.

Gray: I don't know but is it me or does the name Zeref sound familiar.

Erza: (wipes tears from eyes) I'm sure he was a legendary black wizard.

Lucy: I remember someone saying the monster that came out of the Lullaby flute was one of Zeref's demons.

Erza: I never mentioned it, but i suspect Deliora was a demon from the book of Zeref as well.

Juvia: If this wizard is as evil as you say, then why would Jellal want to resurrect him?

Erza: I don't understand his motives either.

Veronica: I think i do.

The others look at her to hear her explanation.

Veronica: Me and Serena learned all about Zeref back in our home town.

Serena: Yes and what we learned is just awful!

Veronica: I theorize if Zeref if resurrected he will ascend to heaven. And when that happens the world will be reborn, and they'll become it's rulers.

Dex: Alright one thing that confuses me is these so called friends of yours. Why are they accusing you of betraying them? Don't they realize Jellal's the bad guy here?

Erza: It's not their fault i'm sure Jellal fed them all sorts os lies about me once i left. (Looks down sadly) But that doesn't change the fact i abandoned them so long ago. In the end i guess you could say i did betray them.

Natsu: Oh Come on! Don't say that Erza! That jerk threatened to kill them if you ever came back! What were you suppose to do?! You couldn't have saved them!

Erza: None of that matters anymore. If i can defeat Jellal, it'll all be over. And Drake won't have to suffer because of me. So please leave it to me, ok?

While Erza was saying all this Arong and Gray were possessing everything that Erza said earlier.


Erza: You can't help me. The odds are stacked against me. Win or lose this battle, i'm staring death in the face.

Flashback end

Arong: (thoughts) What does she mean by that?

Gray: (thoughts) What's it even mean?

???: Sister that's not true.

It reveals Sho standing there infuriated

Sho: Why? Why are you lying to them?

Erza: Sho...

Sho: Do you think by making yourself the martyr, you're gonna get sympathy from your friends? Tell them the truth! That's not how it happened and you know it! You blew up the boats we were going to use to escape. And then you left on your own. We would have ended up in the bottom of the sea if it hadn't been for Jellal! He saved us! He warned us not to trusr wizards like you, who hasn't learned to use their magic properly. He said you had become drunk with magical power, and you didn't want anything to do with your past or the people you left behind!

Fairy Tail: Tale of The Dragon Lord (Adopted By Julius123489)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang